what are the 7 warfighting functions

Today it is the Islamists and the authoritarian rulers (and the leaders of the major criminal enterprises?) The 7th Warfighting Function; What We Do; Who We Are; Contact Us; News Room; MCDP 8, Information; MCA Information Awards; Marine Corps Insider Threat Program; Director of the Marine Corps Staff; MCDAPO. MCDAPO Team; MCDAPO Current References; MCDAPO Studies; Contact Us; MCDAPO 101; Resources; Headquarters and Service Battalion. Preferably we would rigorously experiment with different constructs and approaches as our norm. Our culture, however (largely influenced by the same hierarchy the early advocates found fault with), refused to entertain the notion that a technically rational approach is the wrong one for complexity. Sydney J. Freeburg took the following thought from a Strategic Landpower Conference in August of this year: Strategically, that failure to understand the human factor is the root of the abject failure that the Army, Marines, and SOCOM are determined not to repeat.[xiii] This follows on the heels of the Armys Field Manual 3-24 Counterinsurgency Manual and subsequent debates between the COINdinistas, such as John Nagl who have pushed for a human-centricity in contemporary war efforts, and those who would advocate that the narrative being sold on Iraq is flat-out wrong. For example: If one's political objective is to transform (along modern western lines) lesser and remaining outlier states and societies, and to incorporate these into the global economy, then logically: a. "Although the federal and state governments warned that they wouldnt allow the self-defense groups to expand, on Tuesday November 26 the community guards took over four other municipalities, which now totals 54 communities under its influence in the state of Michoacn. most important function is to build and maintain a complete, up-to-date copy of the blockchain database. Another important function . But, I would assert that, excepting the new bureaucracy of SOF, the traditional and tactical (young NCOs and Captains) culture of SOF more closely relates to Mr. Whites stance (in terms of being against the intellectual orthodoxy) as well as anti-militarism in the way that I think Mr. White describes it: as a vast military-industrial bureaucracy that largely wags the dog of foreign policy in both conscious and unconscious ways. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. [xxi] I would assume Jean Baudrillard, from his Simulacra and Simulation (1981), would have a field day with how we have conducted Afghanistan. At this point I thought it might be easier to influence SOF- and then perhaps CF would take some lessons from us. There were some interesting comments posted to Dave Maxwell's article on UW several weeks ago here in SWJ that are worth going back and re-reading. OEF has not failed because of anything we've been able to measure- in fact, I'd argue it is largely "hard" because we don't know what to do with all this stuff we CAN'T measure. Thus if we, as you say, did not shy away from explaining exactly what this generations' mission was (summed up as offense rather than defense), then might we see the greater innovation, artestry, etc., that we are looking for? The Staff have maps the Beards would give their right arms for, sat/drone photos they would not believe and a 24/7 live video feed I doubt they could even imagine. The requirements necessary for success within the human domain, however, are not the requirements that the institution is currently working towards. [xix] The idea that one can tell at a glance what needs to be done and, although usually applied to looking at terrain, some, including Clausewitz, have used it to describe something beyond just terrain. Then, you as an institution began to see that the deep veins were there, all the time, never acknowledged because they never had to be. If everybody and his brother and sister knows -- before we even hit the ground -- that our objective is to undermine and eliminate the population's way of life and governance, and to convince/coerce the population into a way of life and governance which is alien its history, its culture and its view of "the good life" (to wit: its very nature), then how exactly is one, in such an environment, going to be able to: a. Our technical surveillance enables smart weapons which largely depend on digitized enabled surveillance. c. And know the kind of war that one is embarked upon. [xxii] Doctrine applied to the world of tacit knowledge makes little sense and I would argue makes things more confusing. At the operational level we are sorely handicapped. Indeed, in any stability op or war scenario beyond covert support/sabotage of an indigenous government it is the CF that will lead the main effort and take the majority of the blame for screwing it up (rightfully so). Being on defense (containment) re: great powers of differing values, attitudes and beliefs to. I couldn't agree more with this comment- and I think this is one area in which we fail miserably. Warfighting Functions: The seven mutually supporting military activities integrated in the conduct of all military operations. Since instituting the Army Warfighting Functions, the U.S. military has worked in better partnership on joint military operations. RantCorp--just how many hours of any given day did either the AQI, the Sunni IAI or the Shia Iraqi Hezbollah spend just simply watching every move a BCT or Marine Regt made in Iraq---kind of like a pattern of life targeting process just in reverse and just how much times does the HiG or the Taliban spend watching our every move in AFG-----hours, days, weeks? I call this approach the sublime[xxxiv], borrowing the term from Curtis Whites book wherein he implores America to turn away from assuming science holds the answer to everything and instead to be antagonists to the status quo in intellectual orthodoxy [and to be] advocates for change[xxxv], And so we are stuck in an awful position: we want our cake (a 7th WfF) and we want to eat it too. It seems rather outlandish to me and reminds me a bit of Marxist literature predicting the rise of the disenfranchised and the oppressed (workers of the world unite!). The self, the psyche, must be involved somewhere. [xxxix] To engage most effectively within the human domain- our SW forces should be supported with an education and training institution second to none. The State and capital are already overwhelmed. Everything evolved in and out of UW---I am surprised that the current SF senior leaders do not jump immediately back to UW/SW as it is and always has been the core historical success of SF. In this paper I make the case that the concept of the human domain is a good one if it gets us to go much deeper than our doctrinal and institutional methodologies normally take us. [xxv] As headquarters become more systematic, process-driven, and assisted by technology, however, most units above the tactical level are forced into a technically rational way of operating and thus largely cannot apply a critical realist mindset to operations. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [xxxvii] Which makes things even more difficult for USSOCOM, as it is no secret that those who conduct and specialize in Special Warfare are less influential within SOF. I'm not so sure the world is a safer or better place than it was 12 years ago. We have made some fundamental errors trying to do too much and depending on others to provide the reasoning for our actions. [xvi] See Donald A. Schon, The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action. The personnel system promotes, evaluates, and selects SOF personnel for command under the same construct as the conventional force personnel. Overthrow a resisting local government that is standing in the way of where the United States wants to go and how it wants to get there or. advise/assist, sabotage) are no longer the realm of SOF. The Marine Corps defines the fires warfighting function as "Fires harass, suppress, neutralize, or destroy in order to accomplish the targeting objective, which may be to disrupt, delay, limit, persuade, or influence. It is unlikely they have ever viewed the target with their M1Es and probably never will. In U.S. doctrine there are today seven joint functions: intelligence, movement and maneuver, fires, information, protec- tion, sustainment, and C2. Youve got to start it early, and thats one of the things Special Operations forces do very well build a small footprint. This fundamental characteristic of the social world, characterized by tacit knowledge, is both the key to moving forward in the human domain as well as ironically the death knell of the term, the human domain. On top of that, we forced a top down transition by placing our model of government in place and then we expected a peaceful transition of power as power was handed over to the population, a population that we didnt give much consideration to until after the military operations had taken place? The purpose of the IA WFF is to affect the will and understanding of groups to assist in the achievement of the mission. That strategy is to get more money. Others, such as Carl Builder, mentioned in footnote 12, as well as this authors own experiences highlight the bureaucratic pressures that lead to the chase for more money within government bureaucracies. and ask: a. In the past, it was the communists who denied various populations these benefits. I am not overly familiar with the Mexico situation (some first-hand experience with Mexican army check points in the Baja California desert a few years ago notwithstanding). Mission command should cascade down the ranks through the NCOs to the formations at large. Reading your comments combined with RantCorp and Carl I believe in many ways you all are saying the same thing but maybe at a different level. This Warfighting Function is the process of deploying troops to operational areas as well as maneuvering troops, equipment and arms to gain advantage over the enemy. Indeed, one could make the argument that in todays uber-professional and regimented American military, the only levels in which critical and creative thinking routinely happen are at the tactical level.[xxvi]. Maya civilization, often considered to be the most exalted and mysterious of the three, inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula of Eastern Mexico as long ago as 2,6002,6002,600 B.C. These movements may be partial or complete. The intelligence warfighting function is larger than military intelligence. The movement and maneuver warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that move forces to achieve a position of advantage in relation to the enemy. They KNOW what our political objective is and, therefore, they KNOW who is their friend and their enemy and they KNOW what kind of war they are embarked upon. prior to embarking upon major military operations. These commanders and their staff integrate various processes within headquarters and across the force. [xiv] In short, the U.S. Army as an institution is convinced that it was not population-centric enough in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and thus influencing the local population has to be a critical lesson, if not THE lesson we should take from our recent forays overseas. QUOTE: A warfighting function (WFF) is a group of tasks and systems united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. Indeed, impressions have not changed much since the age of the Spanish explorers, who, despite 555 intentions of conquest, were also mystified by the cryptic civilizations of Mesoamerica and South America. This is a realm consisting more of social facts (as opposed to physical facts such as artillery trajectories and tank speed), influenced more by language and culture, and largely constructed by the inhabitants as to meaning. I submit that art has a place in war, although many of us military types are a little uncomfortable about the word. That's funny. But we try. For me, everything is worth considering but I'm flexible. These tasks are; The purpose of the Int WFF is to know what is happening. Participatory Observation is the (social anthropological) way, not governance, development, and security, and critical realism is the philosophy, not technical rationality and relying on operational methodologies.". The sublime for SOF, especially those within the Special Warfare framework, can also be art. It is also the means of focusing At some "YOU (meaning the US military and agencies with which it works) are a part of the human domain and you cannot divorce yourselves from any of it. The CF and SOF officers both operate in "human domains" (can we retire this term, as it seems specious at best?) These kinds of things defy logical analysis and are thus in a different category than, say, how fast it will take a tank to travel 50 miles going 30 miles an hour. The so-what of all this is that the military has now developed a system that is largely run by bureaucracy and ruled by process. Will any of these concepts help us to (1) separate the native from his native way of life and native way of governance and help us to (2) attach him and make him dependent upon our way of life and governance? SOF and those involved in the human domain are a force seeking to sense-make the world largely in an explicit way, but the world we want to operate in is instead socially constructed and filled with tacit knowledge. A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems (people, organizations, information, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. This giving them (the enemy) both a head-start and a distinct advantage over our young leaders, who may not be as savvy, knowledgeable or well-informed? I think on a certain level that is true. Russia and Ukraine battle daily in the sky. The other says it is wholly wrong. Human domains, or narratives, or strategic contexts, or ecosystems, or understanding situations, must, of necessity, begin with the self. Sustainment influences the tempo, duration and intensity of all operations and often determines what can actually be achieved. Coupled with a chain of command that exploits their multi-generational familial ties, tribal ties and 30 years of shared camaraderie the HN practice a tactical and operational methodology they call Jihad and we call Mission Command. This system of systems relies tremendously on a systematic theory of operations. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) This function provides Army leadership the means to use a targeting process in relation to indirect fires, missile defense, and joint fires in a way that keeps United States troops safe while delivering fires in support of offensive or defensive operations. IE SF was successful along with African Union forces in chasing down M23 but did they anticipate the creation of militant warlords replacing M23? Thru the same lens they would have recognized what events indicate discipline and control and what events reflect anxiety, panic, fear and hysteria. But, because we are compared to CF Army officers, SF officers- who dont need a lot of coaxing to stay at the battalion and group level anyway, are arguably robbed of a much more valuable experience because of the need to meet Army evaluation requirements. It is keeping forces supplied with, Thesustainment warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, extend operational reach, and prolong endurance. Why Protect Mass Graves? Bill C---that was a small sentence in a recent book concerning the Shia revival that goes to the heart of the ecosystem concept which the Army has now spun into the term human domain in order to maintain the fielded concept of Human Terrain Teams that was never defined as a program of record so it is fighting for survival during the current financial draw down. It means preserving the force which includes personnel and physical assets of the United States as well as the host nation and any military or civilian allies. The bureaucracy loves its metrics. [xii] See Carl Builders book, Masks of War, Johns Hopkins University Press, FEB, 1989, for a description of why the services act the way they do. Thus, "knowing one's enemy" seems to be taking a back seat to building partner trust and building partner capacity during this new period of peace. Know and define one's friends and allies. Special Warfare (SW), on the other hand, encompasses those units that are capable of long-term duration operations in denied areas to train indigenous forces. "Understanding" and "seeing" that particular world is what we have not done well as a Force. Cortez went to the city and took Montezuma hostage, taking advantage of the fact that Aztecs thought that the Spaniards were descendants of their god, Quetzalcoatl, and had come to fulfill a prophecy. Understanding the human domain, as well as how to apply its precepts, is an important mission for the military. "The goal is not more money, more missions, or more personnel. (The enemy is not confused and is under no illusion. It also includes the non-physical aspects of the force such as information and reputation. The memoir covers the period from about 1941 to 1973. In terms of our personnel system, at the tactical level we make up for the lack of flexibility by being able to rely on young, uninstitutionalized NCOs and officers who, because of the way they are normally deployed, we fortunately find it very difficult to micromanage. Commanders plan, prepare, execute, and assess protection capability requirements throughout operations to shape, operations to prevent, large-scale ground combat operations, and operations to consolidate gains. These arent mechanized divisions we are attempting to outflank or terrorists we are killing in the human domain, these are very contextual-dependent groups of people whose values we are attempting to appreciate and either influence or employ to some effect. Critical realism can be used to describe current or past situations. [ii] It is the difference between operating within the physically visible world and the socially non-visible one. [xviii] Positivism is a philosophical approach that assumes an objective world in all aspects and that humans can discover that objective world through the scientific method. It accomplishes this by acquiring, processing and providing information and intelligence on the current and future situation in order to support effective decision making. But you take these very human stories, sincere impressions of friendship and fellowship, and combine them with certain kind of military historical document from that time, military planners and their ideas about SEATO and CENTO and how SA might fit in, and you start to create many pictures, you create an emotional mood of personnel in the region at the time. If not, if we believe that in the human domain (as well as the levels beyond tactical in all domains) things are highly dependent upon context, fraught with tacit knowledge, and fall more into the art side than the science side,[xxiv] then the preferred philosophy should be the critical realist philosophy. [xxxviii] USDA, Special Operations, ADP 3-05, 2012, 8. [ix] Sacolick, Bennet S. & Grigsby, Wayne W, Jr., Special Operations/Conventional Forces Interdependence: A Critical Role in Prevent, Shape, Win, Army Magazine, JUN 2012, 39-40. that we have generated via, this, our worldwide state and societal breakdown and rebuilding initiative. After all, there are many examples in our own history where military commanders considered the population [or human domain as we call it now?] Conduct targeting. In addition, they are more likely to remain fixated on the hyper-tactical level of operations. [viii] My pick would be The Sublime, but, since that might not have enough of a military sound to it, would offer social action instead in order to emphasize the social aspect as well as the requirement for action. This is juxtaposed with an operation like Desert Storm in which the objectives were clear and limited in both scope and time, even if they were limited somewhat artificially and ignoring the obvious connection to Operation Iraqi Freedom. By its nature, the M2 WFF exists in the physical domains and inherently in close proximity to the threat and civilian elements. Before falling to the Spanish in 152115211521, the Aztecs left several permanent contributions to history and to the explorers of the New World: chocolate, derived from indigenous cacao beans; tomatoes, potatoes, and numerous other vegetables that have long become staples to the rest of the world; and, as testament to the artisans among the Aztecs, an accurate, 242424-ton limestone calendar that took more than fifty years to construct. The Combatant Commands place a premium on networks that can integrate the Joint warfighting functions. That is, they encompass so much that they are rendered almost useless. The Human domain that is needed ie how does the enemy think, act, function and communicates with the local population is strangely missing from the discussion being pushed by say the ACoS. Table. There are three types of social change or influence according to some: compliance, identification, and internalization (Kelman HC, Compliance, Identification, and Internalization: Three processes of attitude change, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1958, 51-60.). Art, admittedly, forces one to take risk. Unfortunately our schoolhouse is beholden to metrics and check-the-block assessments. NATURE OF PLANNING o Planning as Command and Control o The Functions of Planning and Plans o Uncertainty and Time: Planning for an Unknowable Future Emerging from a 101010 collection of city-states with no central government, the Maya reached a cultural peak between A.D. 250250250 and 900900900. This positivist[xviii] philosophy would be bad if we simply believed it consciously. This publication. and are likewise both required to understand it. If one took the time to "understand the Sunni, Shia and AQI in Iraq one "saw" them at work---their surveillance, their targeting process, their swarm tactics and especially their thinking on the use of IEDs---and if one "understood" that then one could move onto their strategy which drove their battlefield tactics. Montezuma was killed during a short uprising in 152115211521 while instructing the Aztecs to make peace with the Spaniards. It just amazes me as I grow older and become more retrospective on the past how there was such a fundamental failure at the highest levels to figure out what the objective was, how we would attain the objective and a complete lack of critical thinking. Grant---I think part of the current issue inside SF is a distinct lack of UW experience passed on from the 60/70s to the Groups having to just survive in order to rebuild. Certainly an insight into the latter three can be gained from understanding the local culture. The human domain implies the social realm: a dominion of non-visible abstractions that, although mostly falling outside of the scientific are nonetheless real, if real means to have an effect on others. As not all sources and agencies will be owned by the force element, the Int WFF by necessity includes the requirement for integration of intelligence architecture and liaison with allied intelligence agencies. Administrative movement (generally movement via strategic transport) is included in the Sustainment WFF. To the average North American, the mere mention of Maya, Aztec, or Inca civilization evokes thoughts of great, flat-topped pyramids of mysterious origin, secret cities perched on remote mountaintops, and booby-trapped temples brimming with treasure-hoards of gold. Virtually everyone knows what our end-game objective is. Help a cooperative local government defeat a resistant population segment that is standing in the way of progress (as defined by the United States). IO is not a discrete, stand alone capability but is the integrated, coordinated, and synchronized operational application of all information-related capabilities (IRCs) 5, both organic and non-1 Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 1, Warfighting, 20 June . Commands place a premium on networks that can integrate the joint warfighting.... ( and the leaders of the Int WFF is to know what is happening into the latter can. User consent prior to running these cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent the Practitioner. Montezuma was killed during a short uprising in 152115211521 while instructing the Aztecs to make peace the! N'T agree more with this comment- and I think this is that the institution is currently towards! Peace with the Spaniards the will and understanding of groups to assist the! Copy of the mission ; MCDAPO Current References what are the 7 warfighting functions MCDAPO 101 ; Resources Headquarters. 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