lost sawyer fanfiction

Sawyer sacrifices himself so he can set off the explosive to reset time. He sits next to me and I allow myself to drop my legs. Sawyer and Kate off the island. Shannon scrutinizes me and drags Boone away, to the caves. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. Havin to wake up in the middle of the night for some boar. Im dumbfounded and Sawyer continues, Yeah I said it, and I bet you wanted to keep that a secret! I can feel the eyes of almost everyone in the group turn to me. I scratch the back of my head and tuck into my book. Baby Steps by Wreckless Righter reviews Part IV. She holds up Sawyers letter and he gives her a horrible look. You dont seem fazed, I hear a voice say. I flinch and make a noise. No thank you! This Island isnt actually real, and the show was filmed in Hawaii. After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf Sawyer begins to say, until Sayid shoves the bamboo into Sawyers fingernails and he screams. Follow . Sayid, I need my stuff from the caves, my leather backpack. I nudge him with my shoulder and say, "Nice one," Sawyer looks proudly at me. Then Jack pulls a little flashlight out of his pocket and goes toward the plane. You say youve watched us, He begins, But do you really know us?. I yank my hands away from the trunk and my wrists free themselves. What was that for! I shout at Sawyer and he waves a hand at me dismissively. She lifts her shirt slightly, hissing when the fabric grazes over the gash on her side. Probably because its his centric episode and the writers have to show what a bad guy Sawyer is. When he recovered, he shot back, More than you apparently. And it was Amelias turn to stand shocked. If they had gone with a hard sci-fi explanation, the show would be spinning off sequels like "Star Trek.". Sawyer replies, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Theyre coming, dont worry, another voice says to me. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. With tears in her eyes, Amelia says, You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. Just as he does Kate enters the tent with a side glance at me. Im with him. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. Kate walks a little ways ahead and Jack leads the group. Jack, I- I stop myself, I dont have an explanation. His hand leaves my back and I inhale sharply, Put your shirt on blue eyes, He says to me. The movie begins to play, Incredibles, I havent seen this one before. So, how did I find my way on this flight? Yes, this is really happening. Summary: What happened after the Island and before "The End?" I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. She seems to get the message, at least I hope she does. So, um, wheres Mr. Locke? Walt asks and I remember his showdown with Smokey in the jungle. This was Sawyers choice, not mine, Jack says stoically. Then why were you looking like you wanted to say something, just tell me, I say angrily. I decide to get up and join them. Became Sawyer. I can feel Sawyers eyes on me, then I feel his hand rest on my knee. Im going to kill him, I can hear Jack say as I run up to the both of them. We finally climb inside the plane, looking around dumbly to try and see whats inside. I hadnt shown anyone these scars, I didnt plan to, but trusting Sawyer with it now makes the pain feel less fresh. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. Enjoy! I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. He doesnt want him to know what he has to say. I know what you become! I think Ive got a pretty good idea, I say confidently back. I walk out of my tent like everyone else and gather with the small group. I think we have a connection, I say, looking over at Kate. Sawyer proceeds to beat Gwen again, punching her so hard she gets knocked down to the ground and dislocates and nearly breaks her arm, only stopping due to learning that she has a photo shoot in three hours. I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. Thats it? I quickly get fed up, at this point not really caring. Part of me wonders how much I should get involved with the group. I look down, unable to meet Sawyer's eyes. Shannon her inhalers., You attacked a kid for trying to help his sick sister.. All you have to do is create a free account by clicking here and start submitting your work! I dont remember why hes so petulant in this episode. He nods back at me and turns away to look at the ocean. Just leave, He says to her calmly, before disappearing into the jungle. He supports me on his lap as Jack pulls the knife out, blood spurts out of my arm and I cry out again. Everything else is just speculation. I collapse in the sand. Youre afraid of your dreams? Sawyer asks, a small ocean breeze fluttering open the tent flaps of Amelias tent. Its dark and I cant see the face, but by the build and silhouette alone I can tell its Sawyer. I was wrong.. The sun begins to set and I look out across the beach to see Sayid and Kate talk. Not a few minutes into the book I hear a rustling sound outside of my tent. Sure jelly bean, we can watch it together, our little thing, He says smiling. Someone gets hurt and a young girl with no idea of who she is, is found sleeping out in the middle of no where. I walk past a few people gathering suitcases and notice my small red one at the top. Jack pinched my artery closed as best as he can as Sawyers hands steady themselves at my waist to keep me still. Im sure Jack can help me once everything is settled down. I dont believe you, Jack says finally, Nor do I trust you., Nothing, never mind. She was drawn . Unrated. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. But youre right here blue eyes, whats a man to do? Sawyer croons and I take a step back as he steps forward. Here comes finally chapter 5, hope you like this, too! Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. I cry out when he grabs my wrists roughly and slides the bamboo into them. Its not like I had many friends in the med program, considering most of us are competing for jobs anyway. I felt they tied it a little too loose, and I try to maneuver my fingers to get myself untied. I look away from his face, unable to place the tone hes using for me. Okay, Sawyer repeats. T-rated, Length:2 chapters, 11761 words. jaty. I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. What do you want? I ask, and Sawyer turns his head to look at me. But the closer he gets to finding his way back, new truths come to light that challenge everything he knows and throw his future into question. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. Once Amelia was finally able to open the bottle and take a drink did he speak, Maybe youre just meant to live, to do something else no one else can do.. I dont, Im a student nurse, I thought I would help. I put my hands in my hips defensively. Except, I dont find myself getting burnt, or even remotely tan for that matter. "Jack?" We hunt, Locke says simply as Jack reaches over and grabs the knife. Jeff The Killer (Creepypasta Expanded Universe). Now you get to be the hero again, because thats what you do fix everything up all nice, Sawyer taunts again, and I really wish hed shut up. I dont-? Jack begins but I cut him off. Nope, I helped the Doc with the injured. I say with a small smile. To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see: To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! How many times do I have to tell you? Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. I look around and everyone seems on edge, shocked, and almost ready to tussle. Greninja missed his trainer but then, another trainer comes into his life to fill that void. Its weird, though, sitting silently next to Sawyer as he sleeps and I read. I turn my head and catch a glimpse of Kate hauling bananas up the beach. Im sure he figured out I already knew, but wanted to say it anyway to sympathize. I havent lived in LA all my life and the rain is a welcome change to the climate Im used to. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. T-rated. Im in med school right now, student nurse! I say urgently, I want to help, I want to be at least in Jacks inner circle. I'm dreams_are_fanfiction and welcome to my LOST fanfiction site! My heart jolts at this action but I quickly put it down in fear. I close my eyes as Kate leans in and I know they kiss. . I dont- I dont b-buy it, I stumble as I speak. After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. Could it be because Im younger? Updated . Nobodys that disgusting. In progress. I sob in pain and collapse into Sawyers lap. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Alvar Hanso, original characters. I cant stand it. Russ: Thank you very much! I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. Amelia? Jack asks but Sawyer shakes his head and realization washes over Jack, Kate?. I can hear someone talking frantically, probably calling the fire department. Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. Sure jelly, my dad replies and pauses the movie. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show, and anything else Lost related. I wrote it knowing one day Id find him. I mustve lost a lot of blood. Boone? I call and he shoots his head up, hands full of Sawyers stuff. Now, all I want is the asthma medicine. Why am I here, when I know I didnt exist here previously. fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people . Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. God I hate the early season!! I hesitate to tell him, looking at his face with watery eyes. I dont want to think about the freighter, or the time skipping, or Dharmaville. Of course I know them, really know them. I struggle with my bonds and try to get my fingers away from Sayids hands. The last thing I see is Sawyers concerned look before I pass out. She doesnt look at me, shes staring down at the sand with a hard expression. Lucky me I guess. I know you, you know.. I know by the morning the news will have spread and Im going to be mistrusted and hated. Sawyer follows with a big flashlight. He is the extremely abusive father of Gwen who abandoned her when she was three years old. You really going to let that girl suffocate because you cant bring yourself to give me one little kiss? I ran away from the scene before anyone saw me and I had to leave Australia to get back to LA. I scramble down the stairs, smiling at my parents. Favorite Joined Jun 15, 2007, id: 1301576 Favorite Stories 7 Sort: Category . It's just that at this moment there are no plans for reviving it. I dont have it, never did, Sawyer replies. I follow not far behind Sawyer. Well, I was in Australia with my boyfriend on a hiking trip when he was shot and killed in front of me. Later on, Sawyer and Trent get into a fight, during which he holds a gun to Gwens head and threatens to "spill her brains". I had a nightmare, a flashback, I say, wiping the tears from my eyes, I havent had them since I started med school, I wish they didnt come back.. I laugh a little at Sawyers stunned face. I bounce in my seat happily as my brother shushes me. HQ/READ ME FIRST!! Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. Meanwhile the group returns to the present from 1977 and Juliet deals with the aftermath of Sawyer leaving her behind. I turn as best I can to Sawyer. When he recovered, he shot back, More than you apparently. And it was Amelias turn to stand shocked. A kiss ought to do it.. Y-Yeah, I gulp, steadying my voice, Im alright., You dont seem alright, your knees are pulled up.. Sawyer doesnt say anything and I whimper. Gwen and her family are later brought to the hospital where their wounds are treated and they are revealed to have post traumatic stress disorder, with Gwen specifically having two years worth. I was beginning to wonder if he was going to freeze me out. I watch curiously, already interested. I can watch Hurley and Charlie walk to the waters edge to try and fail at fishing. I know what you become! He did this to himself, Sayid replies, pushing right past me to poise the big metal pipe over Sawyers head. After the Smokey incident, most people have let their fires die and gone into their makeshift tents. The ones that came into the camp last night were piglets, 100, 150 pounds each. Embers Part One Kate clasped Claires hand Ive been obsessed with Lost ever since I saw it on TV that ill-fated day so many years ago. Do you want to tell me whats going on? He asks. I cry out into the sand and hold my face in my hands. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. Surprisingly, no one had noticed my arms, although they didnt get the worst of it. If I've missed some, please feel free to add a link (please include a rating.) The only person Ill tell is her, Sawyer replies. I know Sawyer is going to be grieving after Juliet, so I might not even have a chance until after were off the Island. Sayid holds a finger up to his lips to signal silence and I scramble out of my seat towards him. But when it comes to love, the Island gets you where you need to be. Jack stops and looks around, noticing that everyone is watching him. Ah, I know when we are. We walk through the jungle together for a while before Sawyer even speaks up. Sawyer x Amelia Oneshots by Lost in Fanfiction 362 1 6 A collection of stories (usually based on prompts) that range from short to long, and anywhere from fluffy, normal, or angsty. I know who you are! There aren't a lot of LOST fanfiction sequels out there, but here are some. Everything feels heavy and strange, and my eyes want to close. Youre a good man James!. . I sigh, oh John Locke. I lay next to him, watching him silently before turning my back to him. Alright fine, your choice, Sawyer retorts, I wanted to know if you knew this was gonna happen! Never mind what I want.. Sayid holds his arms out, like it was an accident. Wheres what? Sawyer shoots back, dropping his false nice tone. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. Stay with her! I hear Jack yell to Hurley, talking about Claire. I grumble internally, he didnt have the decency to get me out of my seat. Hes been looking at me the whole time. The only thing I dont understand is how I got to 2004 from 2010 I guess thats a mystery for another day. I quickly scramble to my feet, and glance down . I try to jerk away, but Sayid just tightens his hold. I know your secret, Amelia bursts out one day. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. Sawyer is the main antagonist of the Total Drama fanfiction Lost and Found. Summary: New protector Hurley heals and rebuilds the Island as Claire, Kate, and Sawyer head back to our world. My mom sniffs the air again and makes a disgusted sound. At first appearing as a nice man, giving Gwen gifts such as laptops, this turns out to be nothing more than a horrible lie. I think my sinuses are clearing? Sawyer pants, egging him on. Who can break your heart with nothing more than sad eyes. Rating: MWord Count: 1.7kA/N: Hello! I want him to trust me and not get upset with me. I think forward to the Dharmaville days ahead, and I hope well be able to do it more. Hows that for a tragedy? Damn right you were wrong, I choke out and lean my head against the trunk of the tree. (This is actually a Sawyer Hartman fanfic, with a . I hate this scene, I hate this scene. I watch curiously as he stomps over, grabs me by the arm, and pulls me towards his tent. Can I touch your back? Sawyer replies just as quiet, so quiet that if I wasnt listening I wouldnt have heard him. I do. Happy to tell you, as soon as I get a kiss, Sawyer replies cheekily. My name is Amelia Kassman, and I am not exactly supposed to be on this flight. I need something to do other than sit on the beach all day getting a sunburn. I shudder again and he tugs me closer, and my stomach sinks with guilt. Kate shakes her head and turns back to Sawyer, So Im here. Sayid splashes water on his face to bring him to. Sawyer lets go of my arm once hes pushed me inside of his tent. I dont sleep, Amelia whispers, My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented.. What do you want, Sawyer? I repeat, and he just shakes his head and turns back to the wood. Can you what? I ask quietly, to keep my voice from shaking. Summary: When one story ends, another begins. Quickly fumbling to my tight seatbelt I unhook it and fall about 10ft from the tree I was in. Cmon blue eyes, lets go, he says and stands up. I really need the main cast to believe me. Sit down, James, theres something you should know, I say quietly. To be honest I dont really want to be in the center of attention group, but I want to be important enough to not get killed by some freak accident, or fire arrows. c oneshotcollection abclost +8 more # 4 Hate or love? Amelia what is he talking about? He asks. Suddenly a knife is thrown into the seat next to the one Sawyer is sitting in. James I begin softly but he shakes his head. I collapse into the tree and begin to sob. Im only 20, hes not that much older than me, right? Sawyer.. I plead, brushing the sand off my pants. Now about that kiss I didnt think so, Sawyer says and he walks past me away from the wood. I scramble to my feet to try and get Sawyer off Boone, but he pushes me away and I fall in the sand. Sayid! Jack calls, and Sayid stops. I plop my things down and raise my hand to my forehead to get a better look at him. I scoot up a little more on Sawyers makeshift seat-bed. Go.. When why are you laughing? 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