To your continued domination in 2021!-Mark. Plants treated with dicamba grow uncontrollably, and the leaves curl in on themselves, usually causing plant death. Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Colorado counties cooperating. To decide how much water you want to use, you should mark a 1,000 sq ft area, fill your sprayer with water ONLY, and start walking and spraying just as if you were doing the actual application of herbicide. To calculate the percentage (%) of an acre sprayed by V, divide A (expressed in sq. NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PONTIAC, IL 61764 PERMIT 125 OHIO SOYBEAN ASSOCIATION, 918 Proprietors Rd., Suite A, Worthington, OH 43085 A PUBLICATION OF THE OHIO SOYBEAN ASSOCIATION FALL 2014 Ohio Soybean News TM Ohio Water Quality Update p. 6 OSC Launches GMO Education Initiative p. 22 Kicking Off Harvest Ohio Stadiums Incorporate Soy-based Turf on Playing Fields p.20 PHOTO: AETB/ISTOCK . Use row width for foliar sprays directed to the crop. Be sure to wet the weed leaves entirely for the best results. Sign in for a personalized shopping experience and faster checkout. 2400 sq.ft. Make at least two runs over the marked distance with all the equipment (cultivator, disk, planter, etc.) This size has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Rate of use: 0.5-1.1 ounces per 1000 square feet; maximum application rate varies by turf species. How much water and how much insecticide is needed? How much Resolute do I mix per gallon for max rate? Depending on your application rates, you will need to wait at least four months before seeding or overseeding after applying Prodiamine. "Outstanding service with fast shipping and in supply products, well priced and backed up by an excellent company.". May be used on newly sprigged or plugged bermudagrass at rates not to exceed 17 ozs./A (0.39 oz./1,000 sq. Mixing Resolute 4FL alone: Must be mixed thoroughly in a spray tank to ensure even application. If youre looking to prevent and control crabgrass, prodiamine herbicide is the best option. Do not rely on this site as a substitute or replacement for professional advice or the information contained on manufacturer official labels. Travel at the same speed each time and make note of how fast you are walking or how fast your spray rig is moving. ", See More product from Yard Mastery is just $20 and will cover an area between 6,000 - 9,000 sq. We researched how much herbicide you should add to each gallon of water. You can then add any compatible surfactants, adjuvants, or drift control agents to the spray tank. These timings are approximate. BEST ANSWER: The minimum amount of water to use is one gallon. j21$-cskbUcFEsl"c}puTrp. Step one; select the proper pesticide and application equipment; step two, determine the size of the treatment area; and step three, determine the correct amount needed. 20 of 22 people found this review helpful. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> ft. Quali-Pro-Prodiamine-65WDG-Label Download According to the manufacturer, Nufarm, the dilution rate for spot treatment or small areas is 1 fluid ounce (2 tablespoons) of Weedmaster herbicide per gallon of water. = 8 pts. hb```VB ce`a8 afP-`4ad ]<2,+ Please refer to, 2004-2023 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Shop All Disclaimer | A selective preemergence herbicide for control of grass and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrasses (excluding golf course putting . Lawn size. 126 0 obj <>stream It is only important to make sure you are using the correct amount of product per 1,000 sq ft of lawn. Non-Discrimination Statement | The conditions were not ideal but time will tell if it was right. In Stock. Resolute 65 WG is non-staining and can be mixed and applied along with fertilizer and iron solutions. 2023, Colorado State University Extension, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 USA. I used on my lawn by diluting 2 tablespoon of resolute per gallon water. Hi Chris. Use Up or Shift+Tab keys to select the previous item. Use an initial rate of 16-32 ozs./A per application. We are located at 1311 College Ave. in Fort Collins, Colorado. I sprayed it over the entire lot and it virtually stopped all weed germination for 4 months. Can I use Prodiamine 65 WDG in my 2 gallon sprayer? It comes in several chemical forms, such as acids, salts, and ester. Jd Remember that one acre equals 43,560 square feet. % Strike 3 herbicide kills weeds from the shoots to the roots, eradicating the plants from the target area. Because there are 128 ounces in 1 gallon, this . So I get confused on the rates for kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue mixed since kentucky bluegrass is a lower rate.. how would you mix that for that grass blend? 2,4-D is an herbicide that kills broadleaf weeds by changing the growth pattern of specific cells. You determine that it takes 58 seconds to drive 340 feet. Prodiamine 65 also controls bluegrass, spurge, witchgrass and more, and can be used safely on St. Augustine, Bermudagrass, Fescue and other common turf grasses (see label for complete list). To figure out how much herbicide is needed to treat the field: Multiply the number of acres (30) by the gallons-per-acre output (13) to determine the amount of total spray solution needed to treat the field: 30 acres 13 gallons per acre = 390 gallons spray solution. Use too much and you risk damaging your lawn, use too little and you will not get adequate results. To figure out how much herbicide is needed to treat the field: Multiply the number of treated acres by the gallons per treated acre to determine the amount of total spray solution needed to treat the entire field: 10 treated acres 24 gallons per treated acre = 240 gallons spray solution. Generally, for small spot treatments in a lawn or a personal garden, an additive isnt required. Please refer to the product label for full application instructions. You need half a teaspoon of toenacity herbicide per gallon of water. ApplyProdiamine 65WDGin abackpack sprayer, handheld sprayer, or tank mix. prodiamine per gallon *CAS No.29091-21-2 NET CONTENTS: 2.5 GAL . Using a container marked in ounces, catch the output from a single nozzle for the length of the average travel time (from Step 2). The dilution rate for Weedmaster herbicide is 1 fluid ounce (2 tablespoons) per gallon of water. Travel speed and coverage at that speed is next. Try not to expand Atrazine content per . For spot treatments, mix 0.33 ounces (0.5 teaspoons) of Tenacity Herbicide in 1 gallon of water to treat 1,000 square feet. endstream endobj 76 0 obj <> endobj 77 0 obj <. Resolute 65WG is labeled for use on the following turf grasses: Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, Kikuyugrass, Seashore Paspalum, St. Augustinegrass, Tall Fescue (including turf-type), Fine Fescue, Zoysiagrass, Buffalograss, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Creeping Bentgrass (0.5 inches or more in height). Sign in for a personalized shopping experience and faster checkout. Add the recommended amount ofProdiamine 65WDGto the tank and agitate. Step 1. then I marked off 31' by 31'. Testimonials , Learning Fill three-quarters of the tank with clean water and then add the desired amount of herbicide. Does Resolute 4FL Herbicide stain concrete? Sign into your account to receive your members only Savings. Just planted Bermuda. Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. Accurate measurements of ingredients are important when mixing pesticides. ft. per application. Pesticide labels often do not contain directions for mixing small quantities of spray. To calculate travel distance for spacings or widths not listed, use the following formula: Fill the tank half full with water (no pesticide). x[]o}70Rao_@M^ @.j-@KDDTgf)}3;s,o_@{?~xh_a,hHgVXh/NOl8-\NO@L%9\\;9rzeQW5Wc7G8U S\]'}OOO~f2qpQC {{^3{M"4{6s? =1_ovd"B^wPQ)c#IDihAVe={M =\(Q.rBGz|%AP `?l5Bn[L Step 3: Spray the 1000 square feet with water. Weeding prices are $50 to $100 per hour for manually pulling weeds. Weed control is most effective when Resolute 4FL is activated by at least 0.5 inch of rainfall or irrigation or shallow incorporation (1-2 inches) before weed seeds germinate and within 14 days following application. If necessary, make adjustments to obtain desired output. oz. No not safe on treatments listed. Nozzle spacing is 22 inches. This page will assist you in selecting products and calculating application rates for pesticides and lawn and garden fertilizers commonly used around the home. How much Tenacity you need depends on how big the area you want to treat is and the type of grass you are growing. You must know when using an herbicide such as Resolute 65 WG is that the exact amount of water you dilute it with is not important. Use Enter/Space key to select the menu/submenu items. CSU A-Z Search Will you get the same exact results from either? weed seeds germinate and within 14 days following application. feet area evenly with 1/2 gallon of the mixture. Great site & awesome calculators thanks so much!!!! Yard size in square feet. Electronic scales are reasonably priced through on-line suppliers. To determine how many treated acres there are in a specified field acreage, multiply the field acreage by the ratio of the band width to the row width: Step 4. Acronyms and Abbreviations Related to Pesticides, Pesticide Safety and Calibration Math for the Homeowner, National Pesticide Safety Education Month, Hazard Toxicity Exposure Risk Management, Unneeded Product and Contaminated Clothing, Managing Drift with Nozzles and Boom Height, Using Buffers to Reduce Pesticide Drift and Wind Erosion, EPAs Refillable Container and Repackaging Requirements, Cleaning, Maintenance, Storage and Disposal, Incidence and History of Herbicide Resistance, Proactive Herbicide Resistance Management, Take Steps to Avoid Insecticide Resistance, Combination Cartridge and Particulate Filters, Using Buffers to Reduce Pesticide Runoff and Water Erosion. Step 4: Measure how much water was used to spray the 1000 square feet. Hope to have a lawn by June. Thanks, David! How much of the bag will be needed? What is the best way to apply Resolute 65 WG on a large lawn about 20 thousand square feet? (adapted from Purdue Pesticide Programs pub. The Travel Distance Table shows how many linear feet the sprayer must travel to give the equivalent of 1/128th of an acre at various nozzle spacings and band or row widths. Take care when applying Weedmaster herbicide because it will kill other beneficial broadleaf plants, like tomatoes, potatoes and sunflowers; woody plants, like roses and dogwood; and vines, such as Virginia creeper. Step 3: Spray the 1000 square feet with water. to calibrate the sprayer, but YOU MUST READ THE LABEL TO KNOW HOW MUCH SPRAY MATERIAL TO APPLY. The application rates are dependent on grass type and low/max rates. Step 4. Grass and other wimpy stuff will die off easily with 41 @ about 1.5 oz / gallon with a light spray. When reading the manufacturers recommendations, it says to mix 1.33 fluid ounces of this product in 1 to 2.5 gallons of water and apply to an area of 1,000 square feet. 75 0 obj <> endobj Pesticides that are mixed by concentration generally have directions for application. 66 of 88 people found this answer helpful, 48 of 62 people found this answer helpful, 25 of 26 people found this answer helpful, I have a ortho sprayer that I attach my hose to the end. One gallon of Atrazine and water blend is sufficient to kill weeds in a 500 square-foot region without hurting your grass. Densities of solid pesticides vary with the formulation and the amount of shaking or settling within the package during shipping and in storage. The rates for larger mixes and applications are 0.5 2.3 lbs. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Step 4. To determine the amount of pesticide needed: Multiply the amount of pesticide per gallon by the total spray mixture: Mix a little less than 8 ounces of pesticide with slightly less than 3 . This is the second time I have used resolute 65wg and it does a excellent job of control of all the weeds that are reintroduced by seeds instead of rhizomes , stolon or tubers in my common and hybrid bermuda grass. 103 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2277F7F8E6E148E3BFFF26C79766CA9F><2836A4F35A668645A508616F7A0C3785>]/Index[75 52]/Info 74 0 R/Length 124/Prev 371847/Root 76 0 R/Size 127/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Apply to CSU | Rating: 4.6 (14 Reviews / 45 Q&A), $102.86 Either product should produce the same results. Will Prodiamine 65 WDG harm green bermuda grass? stream How much water and how much product should you mix to apply if the herbicide rate is 24 fluid ounces per acre, and the spray volume must be at least 15 . 4 0 obj Resolute 65WG is a generic Prodiamine product with 65% prodiamine active ingredient. Depending on climate and region, Prodiamine 65WDG can last up to 8 months efficacy in the soil. per bag = 0.48 bag Assuming you have an area of 2,000 square feet, mix two . So when measuring mix rates, be sure to use a digital scale. Spray the water out in the same manner the pesticide will be applied, then measure the area (A) that was sprayed. You need to spread a crabgrass herbicide over a 2400-square-foot area, and you purchase a 25-pound bag of the herbicide. To treat the target area, add a little more than 5 oz. You must determine how much spray you applyfor a known area. Use the conversion factors in Table 2 to convert weight or volume into a measure that you can measure with your equipment. <> Use Down arrow key to expand the submenu and up/down arrow keys to navigate within the submenu. In pets, exposure may cause vomiting, loss of appetite and lethargy. 21 of 27 people found this answer helpful, 17 of 25 people found this answer helpful, Resolute 65 WG Prodiamine Herbicide (Generic Barricade) Also see the section of this label Poa annua Control in Established Bermudagrass Overseeded with Perennial Ryegrass. of herbicide to 143 oz. F>OuyLW30v4KOMr0$oc(Q+5Rc#ii3fwB:HGoC5L7%t 10/20. Most herbicide recommendations are given on a per area (acre, per 1000 ft., etc.) Using a gilmour hand sprayer attached my hose, I sprayed the 1000 sq. Weed control costs $50 to $125 per treatment, depending on the yard size, removal method, and lawn condition. How many teaspoons are in a pound? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Our job is to determine the unique issues, concerns, and needs of each Colorado community and to help offer effective solutions. Sheff--you mix the strength according to what you are trying to control. In our research, we have found that 1% crop oil (1 gallon per 100 gallons of water) performs adequately across a wide variety of weed species and environmental situations. It stops weeds from continuing to grow and stops newly germinated weeds. This amount applies to up to 1,000 square feet and is for spot treatment. To decide how much water you want to use, you should mark a 1,000 sq ft area, fill your sprayer with water ONLY, and start walking and spraying just as if you were doing the actual application of herbicide. oz., pt. Review manufacturer labeling and mixing instructions. ft. For smaller lawns, this 5 oz. Read the manufacturers instructions for larger applications, like pastures, as the dilution varies according to the type of weed and the method of application. This 5 lbs. ft., then the area treated by 1 gallon is 1075/43560 or 0.0247 acre. Using the Travel Distance Table, find the distance (in feet) you need to travel for your nozzle spacings, band, or row widths (in inches). Matte, 1.5 tablespoons glyphosate per gallon of water, Don't like putting dry ams in a hand sprayer but 1.5 oz/gallon of water. Please. I repeated above process until all areas where covered. Calibration is a three step process: To calculate the amount of pesticide required for each gallon of spray, multiply the rate per acre by the percent you determined in step two above. ft.). Ensure the granules are dissolved. Dilution Rate for Weedmaster According to the manufacturer, Nufarm, the dilution rate for spot treatment or small areas is 1 fluid ounce (2 tablespoons) of Weedmaster herbicide per gallon. It is only important to make sure you are using the correct amount of product per 1,000 sq ft of lawn. Ya need to first determine how much (in gallons per minute of mixed solution) your sprayer is putting out, then compute how long it takes to cover 1 acre at 3 mph with that boom's coverage. oz. Resolute 65WG is non-staining and can be mixed and applied along with fertilizer and iron solutions. Tenacity Pre-Emergent Mix Rate Mix 1/2 teaspoon of Tenacity to 1 gallon of water to cover 1,000 sq ft. Water in with 1/4 of irrigation or rainfall within 1-2 days of application Tenacity Post-Emergent Mix Rate 4 Suppression only. Nufarm suggests adding a surfactant, liquid fertilizer or crop oil concentrate to improve weed burndown, the process of clearing weeds before planting a crop. I used 2 oz per gallon. 1 0 obj You determine that it takes 17 seconds to drive 102 feet. Do not use an ordinary teaspoon for measuring liquids as the common teaspoon varies from 4 to 10 ml. Normally ships in 1 business day. Do not blend Resolute 4FL onto dry fertilizer or any other granular material. Fill the tank with the rest of the water and agitate to ensure that the herbicide is fully dissolved and suspended in the tank. If your label instructions state a final spray concentration, you do not have How do I do a granular broadcast treatment. Equipment , Customize Your Own DIY Lawn Care Program with the, Resolute 65 WG Prodiamine Herbicide (Generic Barricade), See More container covers between 9,000 - 44,000 sq. = 2 Tbsp = 6 tsp = 30 ml. 13 of 13 people found this review helpful. To reduce the For the best result, use split applications. If you have a large area, the application rate should be between four and eight ounces of Tenacity per 30 gallons of water per acre. Use Enter/Space key to visit the menu item. If you need to spray 2000 square feet and it takes 1 gallon to cover 1075 square feet, dividing 2000 by 1075 gives you the number of gallons of spray. Prodiamine 65 WDG is labeled to use on Bermudagrass and should not cause any damage as long as it is used as directed on the. Note: When more than one nozzle is used per row or band, the spray collected from one nozzle should be multiplied by the number of nozzles directed at the row or band. Gently move the tank to mix the product, being careful not to splash it out of the opening. You will need to use 0.185- 0.83 oz (0.5 - 2.25 tbs) per 1,000 sq ft . 45 Q&A. Calibration should be done with a sprayer that will be used for a particular application, in the same manner that the pesticide will be applied. Powered byWPDesigned with the Customizr theme, Jonathan Green Black Beauty vs GCI TTTF Grass Seed Review, Jonathan Green Black Beauty Heavy Traffic Grass Seed Review, Prodiamine Calculator (65 WDG Application + Mixing Rates).
how much resolute herbicide per gallon of water
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