Blessed to now be a Certified Spiritual Director through Healing Care Ministries. Can I take one course to check it out? Helping people in their transformative journey. And I am being equipped for my calling in Christ to help others in their journeys! Spiritual Directors are those who have received specific training in Bible, Theology, and Spiritual Formation, who assist individuals (called directees) in their spiritual journey. Areas of specialty or interest: Transforming leadership; group spiritual direction; corporate leadership discernment with boards, elders, vestry and staff teams; Ignatian spirituality; integration of psychology and spirituality; sabbatical guidance. We both entered TC12 and engaged that community as individuals and as a couple. I am a certified spiritual director and Enneagram life coach. I earned the Masters specialization in Spiritual Transformation through the partnership between Northern Seminary and Transforming Center. I co-host the "Ask a Spiritual Director" podcast and write the "Enneathing You Need" newsletter. As a certified spiritual director, I focus my attention on your spiritual experience and points of self-discovery, and to explore with you God's movement in your life. (New cohorts begin in April and August only). I recently retired from over 20 years as a pastor on staff at Chase Oaks Church in Plano, TX to begin a new ministry venture with my husband. Free 4-Week Journey My favorite authors include H. Nouwen, C.S. I'm passionate about helping you listen to your inner voice and wisdom. And because it is interfaith, it gives you a sense of confidence and a sense of know-how and knowledge about the direction to go, and it just connects you with a platform from where to start. It is a sacred time to listen to another persons story and see the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life. If you are interested in applying for this certification please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSD manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Once we receive your application, we schedule a live interview in a virtual format. Spiritual directors can provide that spiritual support for pastors or for any Christian seeking greater spiritual direction. The spiritual direction journey is for: Those who desire growth in their relationship with the Lord; Ministry leaders relying on God for guidance; Anyone discerning God's will; Recent retreatants desiring to embrace mature spirituality; Faithful experiencing dryness in prayer; And, others seeking to grow in their spiritual journey. To provide Certified Spiritual Directors with encouragement for continual spiritual awareness, education and professional development. I also conducted scientific research on living systems using improvised mathematical tools in nonlinear dynamics. Please provide us with the following information: The CCPC reserves the right to request additional information if required. More. My passion for spiritual direction was birthed in the early 90s during a personal crisis. Give examples of the applicants ability to work with others. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm EST, Copyright19752023 | Privacy | CCPC Global Inc. To provide an avenue for qualified persons who have studied, worked and developed skills in spiritual direction to receive professional recognition. I found myself at TC1 after a devastating diagnosis and discovered strengthening the soul of my leadership as healing grace. Contemplative Retreats. "How do people changereally?" I am an alum of TC4. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The program seeks to respond to the ongoing need for the followers of Jesus Christ to assist one another on their path of becoming, each day, more faithful disciples of the Lord. I love working withpeople who are undergoing a faith shift of some kind--often thats when the faith that theyve held on to for so long appears a bit inadequate for the challenges they are facing today. I'm not sure if I can commit to the whole program. I've translated books by Dallas Willard, Scot McKnight, NT Wright, Robert Mulholland, John Ortberg, Henry Cloud, and many more. Abide by the ethical guidelines put forth by Spiritual Directors International. (416) 724-5339 Although grateful for my upbringing in a traditional church setting, it wasn't until I was underwater emotionally and spiritually that I realized I didn't have the deep roots of faith I needed to manage through life's challenges. My wife Mary Jo founded the non-profit ministry, Confident Christianity where I serve as the Executive Director. I taught and mentored medical students, graduate students, and advanced high school students. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Open to all, but particular interest in pastors / men. All references are treated with STRICT PROFESSIONAL CONFIDENTIALITY. Spiritual directors can provide that spiritual support for pastors or for any Christian seeking greater spiritual direction. Have completed a recognized spiritual direction training program; Have at least two years of experience providing spiritual direction; Be faithful to spiritual direction and peer supervision in his/her own practice; and. Richard has been trained in conflict coaching and mediation through Peacemaker Ministries and is a certified conciliator with Ambassadors of Reconciliation and Relational Wisdom 360. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. CERTIFIED SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. Since being a part of TC (beginning with TC1), I have also been trained as a spiritual director. I have also co-authored Listen To My Life. Areas of Interest or Specialty: When church doesnt work anymore; loss; struggles with being in community; physical pain or new diagnosis; questions of identity, and life or work transitions. EXPLORE: Through questions, reflection and generation of new insights and awareness, the supervisor works to create different options for handling the situation. I began a spiritual direction group usingSacred Rhythms. Training: M.Div. It is recommended that all applicants maintain a personal file for their records. Training: Seeking the Spirit Within: The Nebraska Synod Institute of Spiritual Direction Formation, Training: Hesychia School of Direction and the Apprentice Training Program of the Phoenix School of Spiritual Direction. About 10 years ago, I started to feel something was missing; my soul was tired and bored. As I experienced solitude, silence, lectio divina, centering prayer, and so much more, I came face-to-face with a God who loves me unconditionally just as I ama God of grace, mercy, and compassion. Recognizing you cannot lean into the life youre currently living is the greatest invitation to true alignmentpure grace. For me, and I would say for many, spiritual direction has been the "missing link" to my transforming journey. I am currently the lead minister of Cedar Creek Church, a mid-size church in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, area. I am a church planting coach, have completed the Ignatian Exercises, teach at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in the Spiritual Formation Certificate Program, and currently serve on the Transforming Center board and as community pastor in TC15. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. In addition to my work with spiritual communities, I serve on boards in the arena of social justice, including board chair for Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, a collaboration of over 130 agencies ranging from governmental to faith-based. Program Overview. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. I have a heart for women in ministry, for people trying to find a belief system/religious identity that fits them, and for the LGBTQ+ community. SpiritualDirector, Supervisor, Author, Training from Bill, Kristi and their staff (see below), 100% online or hybrid with four residential retreats and monthly online classes, *Reflects updated pricing as of Feb 1, 2023. Matt provides oversight on visual communications, art and illustration, and is host of the weekly podcast SDI Encounters which engages in conversations around spiritual direction, contemplative practice, and spiritual care. The Transforming Center set me on a path of spiritual transformation, healing and growth that has helped me become a healthier Enneagram #2. Her journey inspires me!, I do enjoy this ministry. Spiritual Directors are hired independently of the school and are compensated for their services directly by the student. Mona Chicks CFDM Board of Directors Before we dive in, however, here's a little bit on how the program came into being. If you are interested in applying for this certification, please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSDS manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. I attended DePauw University and Wheaton College and have had a professional career in Education. She has also participated in the 18th and 19th annotations of Ignatian Spiritual exercises. I also have 8 years of experience in higher education as an instructor and administrator, which has fostered compassion and care for the unique challenges contained within the calling to higher education. Course offerings enable you to explore topics such as Christian spirituality, social justice, religious diversity, contemporary spiritual experience or religious texts. I entered TC3 as a retreatant and have remained as a co-laborer and community member where my focus is intercession, spiritual hospitality, and small group facilitation. Our spiritual direction training is designed for pastors, leaders, coaches, missionaries, and other Christ-followers who want to help others grow spiritually and emotionally. They are not in crisis but find they are seeking something that seems out of reach. Yes! I understand a spiritual director to be a fellow companion, one whose role is not to direct, but walk alongside through prayer, listening, questions, and spiritual practices. To give information and anothers perspective concerning ones work. Spiritual formation occurs for me by being attentive to the Spirit as a wife, caregiver, stepmom, Oma, friend in Learn More The Many Practices of Deep Listening SDI supports spiritual directors and companions from across a diverse range of practices. This is where students can test their wings and begin to grow their skills within the supportive structure of our learning community. After two years in the Unification Church and 20 years in the Vineyard, I am ordained in the Church of Christ. My pastoral work for over 15 years includes writing and teaching Bible studies, speaking, and mentoring others in their faith journey. The Art of Spiritual Direction professional certificate program provides a holistic formation program in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which integrates theology, Scripture, psychology, spirituality, skills development and supervision in the art of spiritual direction. I am gratefully married 38 years, an undaunted mom of four, and a grandma of five! Connie is enjoying the life transition of retirement. D. in cognitive psychology. Liturgical Calendar Grounded in the tradition of Christian spirituality, the Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction prepares individuals to serve as spiritual directors. My passion for serving God's people is renewed! Set up and maintain a program of self-assessment of professional conduct (strength and weakness) using ethical and legal standards. I am married to John and have three amazing children and two adorable grandsons. I love companioning those on their path to freedom with self, God, others, and nature. It amazes me first how an individual is willing to open up their spiritual life and story to me, and how the Spirit will move through our conversation., Having a teacher that knows their own divinity and one learns by transmission, 2023 SDI - The Home of Spiritual Companionship, Contains spam, fake content or potential malware, Need Help Finding a Spiritual Director or Companion to Work With? Welcome to the Home of Spiritual Direction and Companionship. Having received Spiritual Direction Formation training from Queens House and my Master of Divinity from Regent College, I transitioned into spiritual direction, formation, and retreat ministry. Identify the importance of the diversity of clients by attaining knowledge about character, cultures, lifestyles, and other elements that are dominant to a clients behaviour, in order to advise services that are sensitive to the client. Until then I didnt understand the emotional and spiritual struggles of not-for-profit leadership and the toll it can take on your interior life. Graduate training, a volunteer pastoral position, my profession as a therapist, my membership in TC12 and TC15, and a certificate in Enneagram Studies led to an Apprenticeship Training Program with Teresa Blythe in the evocative style of direction. I write devotions, play guitar, raise chickens, and love to work with men and women who want to seek God in all things. I am an honorably retired pastor with PC (USA), previously serving as Solo Pastor at First Presbyterian in Gordon, NE, and as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Education at United Presbyterian in Peoria, IL. Recently, Kelly joined the Faith & Community Team at Veterans United Home Loans. Areas of specialty or interest:No specialty. 6 To see people be transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others has got to be the most thrilling thing on the planet. My career journey has included stints as a stockbroker, advertising executive, marketing/strategy director and consultant to companies, nonprofits and ministries in the areas of strategy, culture and board governance. My Transforming Community experience (TC11) shaped me in very profound ways, reminding me that a very Good God loves me like crazy. How has the applicant demonstrated reliability? My professional expertise lies in the areas of worship and the arts and for fifteen years, I had the privilege of leading worship in the Transforming Center after completing Transforming Community #2. I continued with TC11 for a deeper dive! Cultivating the Practices of Deep Listening and Spiritual Presence Across All Faith Traditions and Spiritual Orientations. Yes! Training: Spiritual Director Formation Program at Queen's House Retreat and Renewal Center. In my spare time, I love to read, walk, play racquet sports, dream with my wife and spend time with our children and grandchildren. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. In addition, to receiving a DM in from Trinity International University, my ministry has been informed by study at the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center, where I studied principles of peace making, family systems and healthy congregational life. I mostly meet with Japanese directees. All applications must be accompanied by a letter from your spiritual director on official stationery. Spiritual direction or companionship inspires people to experience authenticity in their lives as they connect with and explore the ground of all being, that deepest of truths which is beyond life and death and goes by many names, including God, and no name at all. Reading Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership and subsequently joining a Transforming Community(TC10) has been a turning point in my life. I wish every pastor and ministry leader could benefit from Bill and Kristi's ministry! Mail | Web | More Posts (539) This article is reprinted with permission from our friends at Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction. I am an accomplished executive coach and spiritual director. My M.Div is from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and my D.Min in Spiritual Formation from Northern Seminary in partnership with the Transforming Center (TC6). In exceptional cases individuals with a baccalaureate degree in spirituality may be considered provided they meet all the other requirements. Susan Pannier-Cass, BSW, is a Spiritual Director, certified Yoga and Meditation teacher, and Interfaith Minister, She holds a BSW from Loyola University. You can get taste of the training program by being in the classroom with Bill, Kristi, and other spiritual direction training instructors through these recorded class video trainings. The CCPCperforms periodic checks of those certifications which require continual training orminimum hours worked. He is also a certified spiritual director through . Young Adults. Barrie, Ontario L4N 8H3, Business Hours The Council encourages everyone having the required qualifications to apply regardless of age, race, nationality, sex or handicap. Leadership I also have 8 years of experience in higher education as an instructor and administrator, which has fostered compassion and care for the unique challenges contained within the calling to higher education. Spiritual Direction These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Get a free 10-minute call with our admissions advisor to learn more about the program and how to secure your spot. If youre interested in receiving spiritual direction, please reach out to any of the spiritual directors listed here. It is a grace that assists transforming persons to live more fully into who God has created us to be. Director of Spiritual Life - Curry College Curry College 3.9 Milton, MA 02186 While I was in TC12, I also enrolled in certification for Spiritual Direction at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. Director of Campus Ministry Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville, Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader, Certified Grief Counselor. I emerged from that initial darkness with the clarity that I was seen and loved by God, and with a certitude there was nothing I could do to make God love me more or make God love me less. Learn to keep appropriate verbatims for each spiritual directee. Alumni Retreat, Academic Partnership At present, I like to have a free consultation for the first meeting to discern together if this is a fit, and, if not, to help a person discern who/what might be. I also served as a reflection paper reader and a spiritual director for several Transforming Communities. Seven weekend intensive learning modules for 3 days, from 9am to 4:30pm each day. 32 Emms Drive Kelly also completed her Doctorate in Ministry from Northern Seminary in 2017. The presence of divine energy always is palpable to me and the directees. Almost a decade later, I transitioned to a church in Chicago and remained under the direction of a wise Jesuit priest for seventeen years. Discernment Retreat Though pastors daily do this work, they dont often have someone as a companion on their own faith journeys. Questions about the accreditation of Divine Mercy University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOCs website at Calendar, Transforming Community Copies of documentation of the above are required and will be kept on file at the CCPC office; they will not be returned. I've received spiritual direction for the past six years, and my director has helped me see that my spiritual journey is moving toward greater freedom in Jesus. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Creatives in ministry;visio divina; honoring the body. What is a Certified Spiritual Director (CSD)? We use cookies and non-personalized tracking information to help improve this site. Professionals, paraprofessionals and technicians have each taken up this challenge and responsibility. Ignatian Spirituality, discernment, contemplative prayer, spiritual direction supervision. A milestone moment in my spiritual formation journey was Transforming Community 5 in 2010. In 2013, after attending and serving in several Transforming Community experiences, I became the Executive Director of the Transforming Center. . ( The Haden Institute) Anita Plat has spent 27 years working in education and church ministry settings. When the crisis abated, I continued this practice. To be able to provide space to explore and express personal distress, transference or countertransference that may be brought up in the supervision. Locating and interviewing a spiritual directoris an important step in your spiritual journey. To become a spiritual director, you must complete a minimum of 2 years of training at an approved and accrediting program. She also works as a retirement guide. I am an adjunct professor at Anderson University in the area of Peace and Conflict Transformation. When serving as a spiritual director, I have a front row seat to see what God is doing in someone elses life, and its always exciting to see how God is working. Listen a quarterly contemplative publication with a reflection on spiritual companionship, poetry, and art. Many of them have agreed to offer free spiritual direction services to Reformed Church in America pastors from April to June 2020 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. SDIs desire is to provide an easy, inviting way for seekers to connect with a spiritual companion, to find a training program and/or a retreat center. I have facilitated Listen to my Life groups, have led retreats and serve as a Deacon in my local church. If youd like to offer your services as a spiritual director to others, apply to add your name and qualifications to this directory. In the transition to spiritual direction the same dynamic holds true: I find myself drawn to companion those who seek health and wholeness with God, regardless of their current experience with the Divine. You'll also complete an in-depth, independent . The Rev. I seek to create and hold sacred space for others; helping them to awaken to God's presence, nurture their inner wisdom for the sake of their fruitful life and work in the world. (1-877) 727-9217 Toll Free Additionally, for well over a decade I have been extremely passionate about the Enneagram and how it has been transformative in my life and in those to whom I have instructed. The NeuroLeadership Institutes Brain-Based Coaching Program, Transforming Center 2-yr Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership experience (TC8), The Spiritual Direction training program through Sustainable Faith. I sure did, and I hope you do too. ; certified spiritual director Benedictine Spiritual Formation Program (Benet Hill, Colorado Springs, CO) - 2 year program with certification as spiritual director Availability: Open to all BARTSCH, MARK LEE. I have been pursuing/pursued by Jesus since I was teenager. ESDA spiritual directors are located across the U.S. and Canada and around the world. This is invaluable. Please confirm you want to block this member. Maintain federal, provincial and agency regulations concerning confidentiality by following proper procedures to preserve the clients rights. Spiritual Director. Blog This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. was a normal part of going deeper into life with Jesus. In that role I learned the necessity of silence and solitude with God to sustain me in the work at the clinic. I find great joy in listening to others, listening with them to God, and introducing spiritual practices that increase their awareness of God's activity in their lives. Each candidate will complete an approved / accredited Supervision course, namely two one day supervision seminars. I appreciated having someone to share my heart or insights with or to help me see things from a different angle., Opened a whole new world of joys and also of pain, My experience is that when we are able to quiet our nervous systems, clear our minds by sharing our joys and challenges and questions, and come to a place of center, wisdom and guidance come., Every time I offer spiritual direction I feel that I am standing on sacred ground. He has served as editor for such publications as Creation Spirituality magazine and Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction. Nothing brings me more joy than helping others experience God as available and accessible in fresh and unexpected ways, whether in the midst of change or growth or unwelcome darkness. . Listing of Spiritual Directors For those seeking spiritual direction, LTI provides a listing of people who have received a Certificate of Completion of training in LTI's Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program. HELPING PEOPLE DISCOVER AND GROW A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SPIRITUAL ASPECT OF BEING HUMAN, INTERFAITH SPIRITUAL DIRECTION CERTIFICATE PROGRAM. "Spiritual direction is normally carried out in the context of a one-to-one trusting relationship or a small group," explains Ellen Ratmeyer, a spiritual director and member of the Reformed Church in America. Connies life has been transformed through TC10 and Spiritual Direction. Kelly has been a part of the Transforming Center for over 10 years (TC 5 , TC 8, and TC 15). Denial of an application will be accompanied by written explanation and advice on acquiring the training/education needed. The Spiritual Direction Certificate Program at Divine Mercy prepares students with a transformational experience that will enable them to be spiritual directors with the heart and mind of Jesus Christ and in the tradition of the Churchs tried experience. This advanced certificate is offered only in the summers and is completed over three summers. CONTRACT: Supervision sessions start with establishing the supervisees desired outcomes, agreeing to any basic ground rules or roles. I trained as a Lutheran pastor out of a desire that God use me to help others find a transforming and freeing relationship with Jesus. Receive 10 hours of supervision and a written recommendation from your spiritual-direction supervisor after all supervision and direction hours are complete. I live in northern Illinois with my kind husband of forty-four years. I believe the key to spiritual formation is defining your hearts desire and being transformed by the Spirit heart, soul, mind, and strength or, from the inside out. Adhere to the established code of ethics to preserve a high standard of professionalism and to secure the clients best interest. CCPC has set the following standards for the Experience part of the certification process. Each student is required to have a personal spiritual practice to which one is committed. Each module has between 300 to 700 pages of reading material assigned. Areas of interest or specialty:Who pastors the pastor? In addition to being a certified spiritual director, I hold a certificate in contemplative spirituality from the The Living School for Action and Contemplation and care deeply about spiritual transformation. Kelly has been married to Hartley for over twenty-five years and they have two incredible kids, Madison and Micah. Areas of Interest or Specialty: The Ignatian Exercises; the Enneagram; Myers-Briggs assessments and spirituality; exploring imagination and creativity as ways of approaching God; listening and dialoguing with God; rest-Sabbath-prayer; communication and appreciation between generations; "giving your life away," aging, and "giving your death away" (Ronald Rolheiser's words); and experimenting with life, with ways of seeking and avoiding God. I am an alum of TC13. I am an alum of TC5. Only two things prevented me from pursuing a career in the sport at the highest level: talent and opportunity. This program is offered in partnership with Center for . Locating and interviewing a spiritual director or spiritual companion is an important step in your spiritual journey. It is the gathering of many years of lived experiences with God and with otherspersonal and pastoral, painful and joyful, informal and formal. We do not believe in telling people how to think, what to believe, how they are supposed to feel, or what to do in any specific circumstances. But find they are not in crisis but find they are seeking something that seems out of.! Editor for such publications as Creation spirituality magazine and Presence: an International Journal of spiritual direction director CSD... Something was missing ; my soul was tired and bored paraprofessionals and technicians have each up... Maintain a program of self-assessment of professional conduct ( strength and weakness using. 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certified spiritual director
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certified spiritual directorYou Might Also Like