Then, not long after students returned from Field Work Term, the novel coronavirus began to assail the US, and Bennington College shifted to remote learning along with the rest of the country. Anarumo learned that different groups prefer different communication channels. Tracy Katsky Boomer 91 Responsibilities & Opportunities, Help us improve CareerBuilder by providing feedback about this job: "Bennington has always had a great tradition and still very much is about the student centered experience, it's about the individual looking at themselves," she said. High 46F. [2][3] New York Public Radio received ten George Foster Peabody Awards and five Alfred I. duPont awards during her tenure. Charlie Baker is starting his new job as president of the NCAA this week. Lexington, KYUniversity of KentuckyCollege of Arts & Sciences, Ellen Beskind Safir 66 Dr. Alfredo Medina, Jr.Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and College Diversity Officer, Shelton WalkerChief of Staff & Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Brian MurphySenior Vice President for Finance and Administration, Tony CabascoVice President for Enrollment, Jeffrey PerkinsVice President for Communications and Marketing. Daly became president of St. Thomas Aquinas on the heels of Margaret Fitzpatrick, who had spent a quarter of a century at the institution. Political scientist Joseph Murphy was Benningtons seventh president. In this new role, Shelton will serve as a member of the cabinet, and will be responsible for creating and operationalizing the systems, processes, and infrastructure necessary for meeting the Colleges strategic imperatives and goals, among other duties. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Her past year has looked a lot like those of her fellow first-year presidents, and she was excited to be able to start meeting colleagues face-to-face. It was not time for me to bring in change, because it would have been too disruptive.. He received a PhD from the Brookings Institution in Washington. Walker served as president and chief executive officer of New York Public Radio for nearly two dozen years before stepping down last year. McInnis said she hopes that's true for her as well. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. investigators "that the departures of numerous women of color were attributable to race and/or gender discrimination or were in retaliation for their having made complaints. South Burlington, Vermont 05403, Copyright Vermont Business Magazine, 2014-2023. The college. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 771 (fall 2021), its setting is rural, and the campus size is 440 acres. The memo says that "a great deal of time and care" was devoted to hearing input from students, staff, faculty, alumni and supporters during which concerns about Walker were expressed. Working in close collaboration with other team members of the Office of the President, the executive assistant works across functions and serves as a liaison with colleagues both internal and external to advance a broad range of projects and initiatives. Michel joins Bennington from Mount Holyoke College, where he has served as associate vice president for development since 2017. Faced with an outcry over her handling of harassment at New York Public Radio nonetheless, and doubts regarding her limited experience in academia, Walker says that she has prioritized honesty and dialogue by meeting with students directly to address their concerns. "Presiding over Bennington has been more than I had dared to dream -- exhilarating, tumultuous, challenging, heady -- and always, always about things that mattered, things that mattered a lot, and about people of immense dignity, grace, intelligence, and courage," Coleman wrote in a letter to the college community. Cloudy with rain ending for the afternoon. "As a conscientious leader, Laura took immediate action to repair the culture and hold the organization and herself to a higher standard.". So did Laura Walker, president of Bennington College in Vermont; Kenneth Daly, president of St. Thomas Aquinas College in Sparkill, N.Y.; and Maurie McInnis, president of Stony Brook University in New York. As president of Bennington College, Dr. Silver ledall operations of the college and becamea recognized thought leader across higher education. During that time, Mount Holyoke completed a record-setting endowed scholarship challenge and the strongest 24-month fundraising period in the college's history. "We also wanted to find someone who would be a part of this community and who was as passionate about the importance and the uniqueness of Bennington College as all of its community members are.". Bennington College announced last month its plan for the fall semester, which allows for both in-person and remote learning. In February 2009, she delivered the closing speech at the 25th Anniversary TED Conference in Long Beach, CA, entitled Engage. She also gave the keynote address at the Artes Liberales General Conference in Warsaw in 2000 on The Relationship between Liberal Education, Freedom and Democracy, at the Getty Museum on Art, Artists and the Challenge of Liberal Education, and on What Matters at the Council of World Affairs Conference in 2011. She also oversaw the ongoing work of the universitys long-standing Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, and the creation and launch of the Center for Immersive Media, a research center devoted to the exploration and understanding of new and emerging technologies. Bennington is in the midst of an immensely exciting and transformative period in its history and experiencing extraordinary growth. During his distinguished career, Dr. Rodriguez has received numerous awards and recognitions from international, national, state and local organizations for his servant leadership and dedicated service, including the Ohtli Award for Service and Leadership from the Government of Mexico; the Cal Aggie Alumni Association Jerry W. Fielder Memorial Service Award; the Archdiocesan Youth Employment Services Service Award, Los Angeles; Educator of the Year, College of Education, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles; and the Tom Bradley Local Leader of the Year from UCLA. Chance of rain 100%. An ability to address all of these issues with ingenuity, Murphy added, will be vital in the college's next chapter. Shelton, who will assume the position on January 18, 2022, comes to Bennington from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where she serves as Chief of Staff & Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives. That was bad, McInnis said. He led Bennington College for a decade, during which time the College became a kind of Mecca for the visual and performing arts. Seattle, WAPM Pediatrics, Matthew Clarke A recipient of a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship and others, Murphy served as director of the Peace Corps Virgin Island Training Center on St. Croix; as assistant office secretary in the Department of Health Education and Welfare in Washington; as an associate director of the Job Corps in the Office of Economic Opportunity in Washington; and as director of Peace Corps operations in Ethiopia. It found no evidence that either senor management or human resources condoned discrimination or discriminatory harassment. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.. Cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Comes to Bennington from University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Neither Coleman nor Kornberg were available for comment Wednesday after the announcement was made. Looking back on the year, Anarumo pointed to one change he would have made. "That will mean attracting a more diverse staff, faculty, and board, but it's also deeper than that.". The NCAA enacted an interim NIL policy that leaned into general rules against pay-for-play and recruiting inducements, but lacked detail. Walker says it is exactly that unique character which attracted her to Bennington College, despite the fact that her professional background is not in education. Coleman believes that education should. [16], In late 2017, charges of sexual harassment at NYPR came to light, with allegations leveled specifically against longtime host John Hockenberry, who had left the station earlier that year. "Especially post-`Me Too,' hiring a woman who demonstrably silenced minority employees about sexual and racial harassment is tone deaf.". Baker says the NCAA needs help from Congress in the form of a federal law to govern NIL. Coleman's vision for the liberal arts and their role and reinvigoration in society has been widely recognized. [15] She transformed the local newsroom into one of the largest in the New York media market and established stable funding for other programming developed in-house at NYPR. During her tenure, the College opened the 120,000 square-foot Visual and Performing Arts center, which serves as a signature campus building to this day. Photo courtesy of Bennington College. New York, NYNew York Philharmonic, Susan Paris Borden 69 BENNINGTON - New Bennington College President Laura Walker brings a long career in fundraising and storytelling to the small liberal arts college, as well as controversy surrounding her departure from New York Public Radio where she served as president and CEO for more than twenty years, before eventually resigning amidst claims of sexual The college also has an all-time high enrollment with nearly 700 undergraduates and another 136 graduate students last academic year. Rain ending this morning. All five presidents were proud of the way they handled their first years and were looking forward to the fall semester, when spending more time with colleagues and students could be possible. He moved into the dormitory to quarantine with students at the beginning of the spring term. While the capital projects were part of a long-term plan, the university was helped by low interest rates and very high equity in a high stock market, Daly said. For two months every winter, students work with an organization or institution of their choosing, anywhere in the world, to apply what they have learned on campus and to focus what they study and make at Benningtonengaging the field that . "The independent investigation concluded that Laura acted quickly and professionally to address all the issues that were raised," the message reads. She took office in July 2013 as the successor to Elizabeth Coleman. Francisco C. Rodriguez, Ph.D. Francisco C. Rodriguez, Ph.D., is the Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), the largest community college district in the nation with nine, accredited colleges, over 200,000 student enrollments, and an annual budget of $5.8 billion serving nearly 900 square miles of Los Angeles County. Employees liked emailed memos best, while students and parents appreciated five- to six-minute video vignettes he recorded on his phone. Dean of Research, Planning, and Assessment, Associate Vice President, Institutional Initiatives (on temporary leave), Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and College Diversity Officer, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, Associate Dean of Career Development and Field Work Term, Vice President for Facilities Management and Planning, Vice President for Communications and Marketing, Chief of Staff & Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Center for the Advancement of Public Action. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Join for a conversation about plastics and the future of our planet with environmental leader and author, Bill McKibben, and Pullitzer prize-winning journalist, Elizabeth Kolbert, moderated by Beyond Plastics president and former U.S. EPA regional administrator, Judith Enck. He received his undergraduate degree from Columbia College and a Masters degree in English from Columbia University. Don't miss the big stories. On Sunday, Burkhardt, who was president of Bennington College from 1947-49 and 1952-57, died at his home on Monument Avenue. A report by an outside law firm at the request of NYPR's board of trustees that was publicized in April 2018 found "offensive and at times discriminatorily harassing conduct by a small number of individuals, including hosts of shows and administrative staff" but did not find evidence of "systemic discrimination," which it defined as "pervasive discrimination or discriminatory harassment that is known and tolerated by senior management.". "It is hard not to understate the profound impact that President Coleman has had on this institution," Alan Kornberg, chairman of the Bennington College Board of Trustees, wrote in a letter. Dr. Rodriguez is a first-generation, English-language learner, and proud son of immigrant factory workers. Bennington College is a private institution that was founded in 1932. Within the thread, current students claimed that their feedback had been ignored throughout the interview process and multiple alumni also threatened to pause any planned or recurring contributions to the college until their questions had been addressed. Los Angeles, CATall Girls Productions, Daniel B. Rowland It . You have permission to edit this article. Walker is a visionary, mission-oriented, and strategic leader who spearheaded the transformation of NYPR from two city-owned local stations to the . "I look forward to bringing that perspective to Bennington. Videoconference calls and socially distant small groups will never adequately replace in-person connections, Wallace said. During her 23 years at the helm of NYPR, Walker oversaw considerable growth at the organization, including "the creation of one of the largest newsrooms in New York, the expansion of company holdings with a number of strategic acquisitions, and the launch of major programs and platforms that elevated the brand, including one of the first formal podcast divisions of its kind," WNYC Studios, according to the release. Following her presidency at Bennington, Parker taught at Rutgers and became a Senior Vice President and Director at PaineWebber Incorporated. Some mixed winter precipitation possible. We did not find evidence sufficient to support these allegations," the report said. In 2021, he was named as one of the LA500 most influential people in Southern California by the Los Angeles Business Journal. Bennington liberates and nurtures the individuality and rigorous creativity of its students, supporting them as they forge their own paths and work toward a world more beautiful, sustainable, democratic, and just. BENNINGTON - New Bennington College President Laura Walker brings a long career in fundraising and storytelling to the small liberal arts college, as well as controversy surrounding her departure from New York Public Radio where she served as president and CEO for more than twenty years, before eventually resigning amidst claims of sexual harassment under her leadership. With a robust and flexible plan in place for reopening campus, Isabel Roche finished her term as Interim President on July 31, 2020. Bennington, VT. A member of the leadership team for the Office of External . Coleman has been awarded honorary degrees from the University of Vermont, Hofstra University, and The Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA). Coleman was dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and a professor of humanities at the New School for Social Research in New York prior to assuming the presidency at Bennington College. Low 24F. Through a genuinely distinctive education, Bennington cultivates a mindset for change, a capacity to break new ground, and the conditions for progress. However, his priorities for the small public, two-year college quickly shifted last spring to focus on managing the COVID-19 pandemic. He received his undergraduate degree from Reed College, after which he did graduate work in economics at Columbia University and special studies at the London School of Economics and at Cambridge and Geneva Universities. Shelton Walker will assume the position Jan 18. As a key member of the administrative support team, the executive assistant manages the schedule and supports the day to day work and leadership of the President of the college, ensuring efficient and productive use of the president's time. So does Wallace. Their two children are also educators: Andres, an ethnic studies professor at San Jose City College; and Angelica, an educator with Teach for America in the San Francisco Bay Area. 2023 CareerBuilder, LLC. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Walker will succeed interim president Isabel Roche, who has served in the role following Mariko Silver's departure in July 2019. For both new presidents, collaboration with their predecessors helped smooth the transition. The assistant must be incredibly nimble and able to successfully navigate and thrive in a fast-paced, small team environment. "There was a lot of uncertainty with what to even put in a budget," Walker said. "Bennington is really a place where faculty can work creatively, and innovatively adapt our work to the world that we're living in so that we truly are preparing students well for the world that they are moving into, and not the one that is being left behind," he said. In December, 2018, Walker announced that she would step down from her role at NYPR at the end of March, 2019. In a statement at the time of the report's release, Walker, acknowledged the "painful fact" that "some people experienced mistreatment and marginalization at an organization that prides itself on inclusivity and excellence," adding that "this happened on my watch, and I accept responsibility.". In July 2019, previous Bennington President Mariko Silver resigned to become president and CEO of the Henry Luce Foundation and faculty member Dr. Isabel Roche led the college for a year in the interim. Subscribe today. She was also the founder of the all-womens podcasting festival Werk It!, which was created to increase female representation in the burgeoning field. Vermont Business Magazine Bennington College President Laura Walker announced that Shelton Walker (no relation) has been appointed to the inaugural role of Chief of Staff & Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at the College.Shelton, who will assume the position on January 18, 2022, comes to Bennington from the University of . For at least two years following her retirement Coleman will continue her involvement with the college as the first director of CAPA, upon the request of the trustees. Walker quickly held an in-person meeting with donors and met several board members shed never seen in person before. From left to right: Maurie McInnis, Bentley Wallace, Mark Anarumo, Laura Walker and Kenneth Daly, (Courtesy of Stony Brook University, Bentley Wallace, Mark Collier/Norwich University, Bennington College and St. Thomas Aquinas College), Palestine supporters protest exIsraeli general's class at Chicago, Secretary Cardona harshly criticizes 'U.S. All faculty, staff and students "had several opportunities to hear from each candidate and to submit their feedback to the committee" this spring. You have permission to edit this article. "We are delighted with both these honors, because they acknowledge our drive to embrace our history and look to the future." We were joking, saying, How tall are you? Its very bizarre, Walker said. Director of Advancement Services and Prospect Management. After she received her MBA, she joined Sesame Workshop (formerly Childrens Television Workshop) in 1987, where for eight years she was the Vice President of Development and led the organizations efforts to establish a cable television channel (now Noggin). From 1995 to 2019, Walker was President and CEO of New York Public Radio (NYPR), a nonprofit media organization that operates WNYC, WNYC Studios, classical WQXR-FM, the website Gothamist, New Jersey Public Radio, and The Jerome L. Greene Performance Space. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Over that period, NYPRs monthly audience grew from one million to 26 million, and annual revenues increased from $8 million to $95 million. Bennington, VTThe Bumper Companies, Suzanne Brundage 08 [11] The new headquarters includes The Jerome L. Greene Performance Space, a street-level, multiplatform broadcast studio and performance venue. "It's still a hidden gem," Walker said of the college, "and I want the world to know more about it.". Some of those videos were recorded from a dorm room in Wilson Hall, where Anarumo lived for a couple of weeks in late January. In 1960, while at Bennington, he served on the first planning committee for President-elect John F. KennedysPeace Corps. The position reports to the Chief of Staff & Vice President for Strategic Initiatives. Walker's selection followed a search and interview process led by a committee made up of faculty, staff, and members of the board of trustees, according to the release. Retired U.S. Air Force colonel Mark Anarumo, president of Norwich University, a military college in Northfield, Vt., said he also put his goals for the university on the back burner. and both meet and comply with their provisions. Walker's track record at New York Public Radio, including four capital campaigns which raised more than $160 million, was attractive to the Board, as was her national chain of contacts, Stephens said. Jan 2013 - Jul 20163 years 7 months. He is a founding member and serves on the Leadership Group for the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education, and is a former director of the Board of Higher Education and Workforce, both of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Download a high resolution portrait (JPG). Davis Foundation Board of Directors, and currently is the Chancellor-in-Residence at Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. Subscribe today. Benningtons eighth president, Michael Hooker, received an undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. In particular, Dr. Rodriguez has focused his career on educational policies that expand access to higher education and financial aid, advocacy for undocumented and low-income students and students with disabilities, and a keen focus on the leadership development of Latino and African American males. Born in Nebraska, raised in Seattle, he received an undergraduate degree from Bowdoin College and a PhD from Columbia University. In an attempt to replicate the connections usually made in an on-campus restaurant or faculty lounge, Wallace started a general videoconference meeting for all South Arkansas employees on Fridays at 8:15 a.m. The executive assistant excels as an effective communicator, an adept and tactical scheduler, and an agile multi-tasker. She previously served as the Chair of the Hudson Square Business Improvement District and of SRG (Station Resource Group), and as a member of the boards of Tribune Media, Saint Anns School, Public Radio International, and Education Development Center, as well as the digital advisory board of Cooper Hewitt. Former Massachusetts Gov. Don't miss the big stories. Full-Time. She has spoken internationally on the topic, including at the 25th anniversary TED "Ideas Worth Spreading" conference in Los Angeles, keynoting The Conference on World Affairs in Boulder, Colo., and addressing the Royal College of Defence Studies in London. In 2020, Laura R. Walker took office as the 11th President of Bennington College, previously serving as a pioneering media executive as former President & CEO of New York Public Radio for 23 years. Walkers 23-year tenure as president and CEO of NYPR was characterized by exponential growth in NYPRs original programming, as well as the size of its audience and revenues. It is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education(NECHE). . Benningtons second president, Lewis Webster Jones, was an economist. She publishedThe Writing on the Wall: Inside Higher Education;Mind Cure in New England: From the Civil War to World War I;College on Your Own, and scholarly works inNew England Quarterly,Womens Studies, andHarvard English, and editedThe Oven Birds: American Women on Womenhood 18201920. For now, Walker says her focus remains on listening and learning from that community in order to shape a vision for Bennington College's future. Born and raised in San Francisco, Dr. Rodriguez graduated from the University of California, Davis, with a bachelor's degree in Chicano studies and his master's degree in community development. "That we have a financial sustainability that is a result of us being who we are, not changingnot making compromises, but being even more `Bennington.' They sent plenty of emails to students, employees and parents. The Bennington community extends far beyond the campus, offering connections to alumni, colleagues, and employers around the world. From his dorm room, he ate boxed meals, chatted with students in the bathrooms and hallways, and posted occasional video updates about his experience in quarantine. From 2003 to 2014, Dr. Rodriguez served as the Cosumnes River College President in Sacramento, California, and as the Superintendent/President of the MiraCosta Community College District in San Diego County. While the context surrounding Walker's departure from NYPR was considered during the search process, Stephens says that the Board felt satisfied that all of their questions had been answered by both Walker herself and reports resulting from investigations into sexual harassment at NYPR during her tenure as President. "It was a trial by fire, and so I hope that I'm better prepared to handle whatever comes next," Wallace said. "I see a stronger Bennington both in terms of the impact it has on the world and financially," she explained. Virtual Event Bennington College. "The main thread is that people wanted someone who could be more of a campus presence. She has also stewarded a number of university centers and special projects, including the acquisition relaunch of both the historic Philadelphia Art Alliance - the nations oldest multidisciplinary art center - and Lightbox Film Center, an experimental and international cinema house. Please, activate it in the options of your browser. Before joining the faculty at Bennington, she taught at Williams College, The Cooper Union, and SUNY Stony Brook. At the same time, I'm used to having a lot of different voices and a lot of different constituencies. Low 24F. He was secretary and then associate director of the College Entrance Examination Board, editing theCollege Board ReviewandThe College Handbookand essentially creating the College Scholarship Service. However, she sees many similarities with her work at NYPR and, before that, Sesame Workshop and believes that her unique resume may prove to be an asset in her role as president. McInnis also oversees Stony Brook Medicine, which encompasses five health sciences schools, three hospitals and 120 community-based health-care settings. "Usually, budgets get adopted by the board before the beginning of the fiscal year, but there was so much uncertainty that we had, over the summer, to redo and rethink it.". If you'd like to leave a comment (or a tip or a question) about this story with the editors, please, We also welcome letters to the editor for publication; you can do that by, Laura Walker sees opportunities for growth in challenges posed by the pandemic, financial pressures, and backlash to her hiring, By Cherise Forbes, For the Bennington Banner, Back to back! During her term, Isabel Roche led Bennington College through a year of exciting changes for the institution and unprecedented tumult in America. Dr. Isabel Roche was appointed Interim President of Bennington College on July 1, 2019 and served until President Walker took office on August 1, 2020. Mount Anthony dominates at Rikert Nordic Center, wins state championship, Community Market is officially getting a little fresh, Support our journalism. The faculty and administration are mentors and peers ready to engage with students work in addition to being subject matter experts. She led on the day to day, and I led on the future, since Id be inheriting it, Daly said. It goes on to say that Walker was interviewed "in-depth about these issues and her response to them" as was Proskauer Rose, the law which carried out the investigation into NYPR in 2018. We just had to ride the wave.". Some mixed winter precipitation possible. Dr. Isabel Roche was appointed Interim President of Bennington College on July 1, 2019 and served until President Walker took office on August 1, 2020.. During her term, Isabel Roche led Bennington College through a year of exciting changes for the institution and unprecedented tumult in America. Article title new job as president of Bennington College is a visionary mission-oriented. A quarter of an inch.. Cloudy skies this evening will become partly after. His phone people in Southern California by the los Angeles, CATall Productions... 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