Squeaky | He's also one of the few villains who have found out WordGirl's secret identity, and uses this advantage to kidnap her and her family. John C. McGinley: The Whammer. Two-Brains, TJ Botsford, Warden Chalmers, Brent the Handsome Successful Everyone Loves Him Sandwich Making Guy. He is WordGirl's archenemy. Two-Brains (WordGirl). Cartoons WordGirl. No one had managed to find him. He made a device that was supposed to help people read into the minds of rodents. John C. McGinley: The Whammer. Two-Brains Forgets is episode 17a of Season 1 of WordGirl. At the end of "By Jove, You've Wrecked My Robot! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/WordGirl. In this short, Dr. Two-Brains is in his lair, working on a ray. Please consider turning it on! Possibly Exposition Guy and Eileen in "The Birthday Girl's Monstrous Gift". Flash Plug-in Required for this Web site. The mouse brain attached to the side of his head occasionally pulsates and glows green. Steven Boxleitner was a brilliant scientist with chestnut brown hair and dark eyes. butchering something is spoiling it by dealing with very badly, and he is a criminal who spoils the days of people, teach the meaning of words to the audience, pumping her arms up and down while awkwardly shimmying, Tobey's robots and Lady Redundant Woman's copies, he transformed into the evil Dr. Two-Brains, UsefulNotes/The Millennium Age of Animation. WordGirl asks if it is plugged in, which he says it is. Red Claw | Will she still love him, or are they doomed to suffer alone forever? A variation: The WordGirl episodes are followed by a segment featuring a. Becky frequently says things that only WordGirl would say and vice-versa, nearly revealing her identity. Moe: WordGirl herself is very cute indeed. Don't Touch This Button!" Mr. Botsford, Becky, and Bob are walking through the park when they hear Pete the Porcupine crying for help. A story of poor choices, regret and foolishness. Steven Boxleitner was a brilliant scientist with chestnut brown hair and dark eyes. Parodied in "Kid Math." Troublesome Trucks | AKA: the one where Becky doesn't think that liking Christmas is very punk rock of her, Tobey is terrible at flirting, and there might be a little Christmas magic in store for them both, despite it all. Cue the sudden arrival of Mrs. McCallister, complete with ominous lightning flashes, they are all reverted to normal in the end except for one, but we never hear of it again. When Scoops is starting to suspect Becky is WordGirl, he points out how Becky went as WordGirl for Halloween. Dr.Two-Brains had gone missing. "Line Lessons With Lady Redundant Woman": When Lady Redundant Woman is told everyone already knows what it's like to be treated rudely. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (67), Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy (WordGirl) (53), Becky Botsford | WordGirl/Theodore "Tobey" McCallister III (69), Becky Botsford | WordGirl & Dr. Two-Brains (38), Becky Botsford | WordGirl & Theodore "Tobey" McCallister III (25), Becky Botsford | WordGirl & Professor Steven Boxleitner (16), Becky Botsford | WordGirl & Todd "Scoops" Ming (13), Becky Botsford | WordGirl & Captain Huggy Face | Bob (11), Becky Botsford | WordGirl & Violet Heaslip (10), Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy/Dr. 17a Two Brains Forgets Wordgirl Rules! After failing to impress his idol, now he wants to outdo him. Food Giant | Wordgirl makes a decision that she doesn't have the right to make. 3:49. [1] References [ edit] ^ a b "WordGirl". Blacktooth | The villains are all prone to malapropisms. He made a device that was supposed to help people read into the minds of rodents. Supreme Dog | WordGirl exclaims, Hey, it works!. Frazzle | / Heroes, villains, and narrators alike are feeling down. He is voiced by Tom Kenny. A young woman (totally not me) falls in love with Steven, a boy in her high school. Scoops gets some with Becky once he learns of her. Fed up with his henchmen, Dr. Two Brains begins the search for a new sidekick. Due to his mouse-like characteristics, he primarily commits crimes involving cheese and dairy products. The Shadow | Dr. Two Brains went out on a cheese heist and left his two henchmen, and you, all alone in his lair. She and Huggy use their crashed spaceship as a secret hideout. Also I found the words peculiar and feral lol. Maria Bamford: Violet Heaslip, Sally Botsford, Leslie, Johnson, Loretta-Sanchez Johnson. WordGirl. Dr. Aardvarkian | He could be seen as the main antagonist of the television series, as he's one of the few recurring villains in the series. Every other villain usually just finds some way to subdue or tie up. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Trust me when I say people wanted, and still want, to hold his hand especially due to the early 2022 revival of the fandom. He begins his prepared evil speech, when the weight suddenly stops its descent. WordGirl then threatens to keep her there unless she hands everyone's trophies back, and Victoria is forced to comply, it just sprays Victoria in the face with gunk, causing her to drop it and allowing Dr. Two-Brains to pick it back up, Becky and Violet's friendship, as well as Rhyme and Reason's, end, all of the show's villains team up against Miss Power and help WordGirl defeat her, betrayed by the Learnerer, the Amazing Rope Guy experiences a, The Energy Monster is female and is named Maria, It turns out that her "luck" was really as a result of her, destroys Mr. Big's Lexonite machine at the end of "WordGirl makes a Mistake", he can make a profit off his new product - a book he's invented that gives them the definitions of those big words. In "Think Big", Dr. Two-Brains, Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy, and Mr. Big team up to make a grilled cheese sandwich the size of a city. wordgirl pbskids mrbig +3 more # 3 | Tobey McAllister X Rea. In "Play Date", we get this fun little exchange: In "Re-Enter, The Butcher", Reginald refers to The Butcher as "smelly wiener man". We're glad you're here! Two Brains..she's 25 here and Dr. Two Brains is 35)) Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 577 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 3 . Baz and Bernie, The Magic School Bus Vrifiez les traductions de "Codename: Kids Next Door" dans le dictionnaire anglais - franais Glosbe This channel solely exists to satisfy my obsession. Chuck also uses it on WordGirl in "Chuck With a Side of Brent" when she tells him "It's over!". Due to his mouse-like characteristics, he primarily commits crimes involving cheese and dairy products. While doing this experiment, he was hooked up to a lab rat named Squeaky. Dr. Two Brains | PBS KIDS GO! Professor Albert Einslime | Though TJ cant think of anything better than spending time with his favorite superhero, WordGirl is desperate to get unstuck. He stands under it and claps, and it falls down onto him, trapping him. WORDGIRL! He's more obsessed with fining late books. He made a device that was supposed to help people read into the minds of rodents. Resilience isn't all that common, it seems, A nice ol' dadbrains moment to heal my soul, Two-Brains is NOT reading 50 Shades Of Gray in public I swear, I know he's like "you shouldn't read this yet", And when I wrote that I was like "is he reading 50 Shades? The new assistant librarian. Question. Dr. Two Brains | PBS KIDS GO! In "Mecha Mouse", Two-Brains is defeated by one of the self-destruct variety, which he put on his well-designed power armor. WordGirl uses her great vocabulary to fend off villains such as The Butcher, Dr. Two-Brains, Granny May, Tobey, and Chuck The Evil Sandwich-Making Guy. He's also one of the few villains who have found out WordGirl's secret identity, and uses this advantage to kidnap her and her family. Rectangular. Dark, Odd Squad Explore fun family activities and printables from "Work It Out Wombats!" Explore fun family activities and printables from "Work It Out Wombats!" Let's go! Dr. Two-Brains, now Professor Steven Boxleitner again, has to learn who he was during his villainy, right his wrongs, and accept himself for who he is with all the changes he's gone through. Dr. Two-Brains accidentally discovers WordGirl's secret identity using his latest invention, the "Really Big Mechanical Ear", which was supposed to be used to find out about specific cheese events going on in the city. Dr. Two-Brains Huggy, being Huggy, wins easily, and his trophy is a golden net. As a villain in this show, he takes great pride in being evil, and once tried to improve on his image when a new villain took his spot for the number one villain. Maria Bamford: Violet Heaslip, Sally Botsford, Leslie, Mrs. Best. Bon Bon | Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a19ec74dd7a2b5f Dr. Two-Brains is a villain in WordGirl. PBSKids.com. Witch | Grouches | / Mrs. Botsford is treating Becky, Bob and Violet to a relaxing day at a spa far, far away - so far, that Beckys super hearing cant pick up any sounds from the city. Don't Press This Button!" Evil Arthur | How will she react to these changes, and will she receive some unexpected help from one of her old enemies? It's been a few years since Tobey has gone straight, after the last and biggest mistake of his life. Antagonists Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. They appear in every episode together, with the exception of ". Buzz and Delete | Two-Brains claps his hands together multiple times in an attempt to trigger the large weight, crying A-ha! after each clap, but it fails to respond. WordGirl says she understands his frustration and shed really like to wait around, but she has to get going. Agent Ohlm | Miss Finch | Instead, her best friend Violet goes as WordGirl. she is one book short, which means she cant rent the latest in the Princess Triana series. Gerri Poveri | Also, because of his other brain, his primary weakness is cats. After fusing with Squeaky, his appearance took on traits of an albino rodent: his hair turned white and grew much longer (interestingly, his eyebrows remained brown), his eyes became red from a lack of pigmentation, and he grew whiskers. The city is giving away a Key to the City to whichever City Scout can earn the most skill patches in a single day. Duke Vladimir | -- T.J. Botsford. Lady Redundant Woman | WordGirl is quick to point out that Mr. Big just created a dictionary, which he had no idea existed already, Becky has a moment of this after she wishes that WordGirl never existed, not knowing that the birthday cake was enchanted due to the Energy Monster's overload, Raul Demiglasse, a chef who challenged others' cooking skills on his TV show, used onion flakes to make his opponents cry, he saves the play when the other characters are off dealing with villains by narrating it himself. The Pranksters (Francine Carruthers | Manny Spamboni | Annie Scrambler | Danny Rebus) | Gilda Flip | Sigmond Scrambler | Sandy Scrambler | Dr. Cookiesaurus | Tom Kenny is the voice of Dr. Two-Brains in Wordgirl. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. The Germs, The New Electric Company WordGirl uses her super-speed to clean her room in "Super-Grounded". This caused Dr. Two-Brains to come into being. Included with PBS KIDS on Amazon for $4.99/month after trial. . Bust-trantor | Purple Orange | "Mom! Miss Power | Dr. Two-Brains is the anti-heroic tetartagonist of the PBS educational cartoon WordGirl. Pamela Adlon: Eileen aka The Birthday Girl. I cannot stop you, dr. two-brains is a human-mouse abomination, the narrator only shows up in important scenes, actually kinda beta read but I wanted to make the joke, Invisi-Bill is the bad guy but he's not a bad guy, Glen Furlblam | Dr. Three-Brains/Dr. Steven Boxleitner and WordGirl at the beginning of the series. / Unfortunately for Becky, its her turn to take home the class pet a hairy, scary, crawly tarantula named Shaggy. It's later revealed that this man happens to be his doppelganger. Bill the Bug | The Big Bad Wolf | While doing this experiment, he was hooked up to a lab rat named Squeaky. Still, on occasion, WordGirl does try to tell him to fight the other brain, to no avail. He's thrilled to find Mr. Disguised as mild-mannered fifth grader, Becky Botsford, WordGirl possesses superhero strength with the added benefit of a colossal vocabulary. WordGirl has quite a few questions about why Dr. Two-Brains is the way he is. While a recurring villain begins to plant the seeds that will greatly shake the fate of the citizens in Fair City. Luckily she gets better, but the villain featured for the rest of the episode is Dr. Two-Brains and not Chuck, To retrieve the trophies Victoria stole from everyone, WordGirl organizes a cracker-eating competition between her and Captain Huggyface. After one of his henchmen messed with the device, it accidentally fell upon a conversation between Becky and Bob about their WordGirl and Huggy uniforms - leading Two-Brains to believe that Becky is WordGirl! Mayor Mousesizzle | The story follows his POV during and after the experiment that created Dr. Two-Brains, and how Steven and Squeaky wrestle for control, until they become inseparable. If bullies really are as superior as they want you to believe, they wouldn't have to stand on the self-worth of others to feel tall. Two-Brains, TJ Botsford, Warden Chalmers, Brent the Handsome Successful Everyone Loves Him Sandwich Making Guy. Due to his mouse-like characteristics, he primarily commits crimes involving cheese and dairy products. Dr. WordGirl-Brains is episode 22b of Season 5 of WordGirl . Learn science vocabulary as you cheese your way through three rounds of fast-paced fun! Theodore "Tobey" McCallister | Burlap Brothers | When Boxleitner wasn't looking, Squeaky pushes a . Body Build. Can Wordgirl and Hu. She never reveals her alter-ego to anyone, including her own family. Question. When Boxleitner wasn't looking, Squeaky pushed a button which said "Holy Cow! Zach Varmitech | It's well known that Lexiconians are Apex Predators in their quadrant of the universe. Odd Todd | If they can't put other people down, then bullies have no confidence at all. Dr. Two-Brains' main motive is to steal cheese in most of his appearances or threatens to turn the entire town in cheese. Oscar the Grouch | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Dr. Two-Brains | Two-Brains is a major (and arguably the main) antagonist in WordGirl. Chewie the Cookie | Frankie | The show is an Affectionate Parody of the superhero genre and uses writers from sketch comedy shows like Saturday Night Live, plus actors known for ad-libbing ability, in hopes of making a show as entertaining for adults as it is educational for kids. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! "Mr. Big's Mini-Golf": When Mr. Big finds out that Guy Rich wasn't a villain. Pamela Adlon: Eileen aka The Birthday Girl. Work Search: Some new changes are happening to our beloved Botsford. Play PBS KIDS Wash and Sing on Alexa. Inspire your child to learn about and celebrate Black leaders. Still, on occasion, WordGirl does try to tell him to fight the other brain, to no avail. Becky is less than enthused (or so she claims). He made a device that was supposed to help people read into the minds of rodents. "WordGirl Makes A Mistake: Part 2": Both when the handyman has a dictionary and when it turns out Mr. Big already got his casserole dish back. Dr. Two Brains becomes frustrated with a malfunctioning trap. They wear green jumpsuits and bear Dr. Two-Brains' logo on the abdomens of their suits. The Walk And Talk WordGirl doll also uses this, when she's not outright using made-up words or using them incorrectly. Team name: The Cheese-Eaters, Two-Brains after letting his mouse brain Squeaky take over, Squeaky still in control of Two-Brains, with a trapped WordGirl and Captain Huggy Face, Two-Brains surrounded by cheese and weapons, Two-Brains standing in front a pile of cheese, WordGirl about to duke it out with Two-Brains, Two-Brains caught out by WordGirl and Huggy, Two-Brains accidentally pushed against the garage door by WordGirl after offering to take her cape, WordGirl and Two-Brains fighting over the, Two-Brains after being apprehended by WordGirl and Captain Huggy Face, Two-Brains with WordGirl and Huggy about to fend off a super smart mouse army. Watch in detached interest as Becky has a war with her Lexiconian instincts in this mediocre Worg fic. Contents 1 Summary 2 Plot 3 Characters 4 Quotes 5 Trivia 6 Goofs Summary Dr. Two-Brains is up to his old tricks - this time using his Mind-Exchange Ray to take over the Mayor's body and turn the whole city into cheese. *rated teen only for serious discussions of declining mental health and lots of (non-serious) horror tropes*. Tom Kenny. Mr. Ruhle, Arthur In "Re-Re-Enter, The Butcher", the Grocery Store Manager tells The Butcher he'll have to "leave [his] personal meat at home". Body Shape. The Butcher in "Ch-ch-ch-changes Day", wearing nothing but a fake mustache. Cheese, who seems to be perfect for the job, but soon regrets the decision as Mr. He is voiced by Tom Kenny. They are the evil doctor's hired hands and look the typical part, but do not actually seem very evil. TJ uses it in "Dinner or Consequences" when Becky wants to use a family trial to prove her innocence and get out of being "mega-grounded". 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wordgirl dr two brains
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